Chapter Eleven

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It has been a week since I've been living with Chanyeol and let's just say he's the rudest roommate I've ever had. During that week I had to stay home because of the people who are after me. I haven't seen Leo ever since I woke up at the hospital and knocked out.

"Where are you going?" Chanyeol asked as I stopped in front of the glass door that leads to the beach.

"I'm going to the beach I'm tired of being locked up in this house" I replied moving to go outside.

"I don't think so, you have to stay inside if they find out you're here they will go after you and me" he said.

"Let them, then we can go after them as well" I shrugged making my way outside. I heard Chanyeol huffing annoyed.

"I swear to god Sera if you make another move I will lock you up in your room" he threatened. I moved again and shrugged. He walked up to me and scooped me up throwing me over his shoulders.

"Yah put me down" I yelled while hitting his back.

"I warned you, but you wanted to act stubborn" he said as he slapped my butt.

"yah did you just slapped my butt?" I asked.

"Yes I did for being a bad girl" he replied. I kept hitting him with more force, which earned another slap to the butt. "If you keep acting like a bad girl you will keep receiving more slaps to the butt" he said.

Once in my room he literally threw me on the bed making me roll and land on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ahh you stupid Jerk that hurt" I yelled at him from the other side of the bed.

"Like I care, you will stay here and won't come out till I say so" with that he left slamming the door and locking it. I panicked and ran to the door banging on it.

"Yah open this door right now Chanyeol" I yelled.

I hate staying locked up in a room it made me crazy. I paced up and down the room like a mad woman. I had to think of a way to get out of here. I walked to the balcony to see how far the fall was. It looked like a rough fall I would break a few bones or maybe all. I sigh and sat on my bed.

"I miss you Ade" I whispered as I tried not to cry. "What would you do if you were in my place?"

I fell back on my bed as I stared up at the ceiling. There were little glow in the dark stars stuck on the ceiling which made me smile. After a while sleep consumed me but no dream came.

"Wake up" I heard a soft voice that sounded far away. I opened my eyes and noticed a blanket was covering me. I look up at the voice to see a man I've never seen before. I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Luhan, and I am one of Chanyeol's friend and I came to escort you to dinner" he replied.

"Dinner?" I asked confused. I looked outside and in fact the sky was dark meaning I slept mostly the whole day. "OK can you wait outside while I freshen up?" I asked.

"Sure" he replied. His eyes reminded me of a deer.

After he left my room I stood up and headed to the bathroom. After showering and brushing my teeth I dressed up in comfy clothes consisting of sweat pants and a casual shirt. After I was done I opened the door to see a smiling Luhan. He nodded his head towards the direction of the stairs. I followed after him and soon enough we arrived at the dining table. I looked around and notice I was going to eat by myself as there was only one plate.

"Why am I gonna eat by myself?" I asked while pouting.

"Chanyeol already ate" he said while laughing.

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