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The soft breeze hit my face while salt and seaweed lingered the air. I dove my feet in the white sand as I stared off into the endless beach. It has been five years since I last visited this place standing here now makes me realize how much I missed those memories and wish to bring it back, but sad to say I can't.

The cold wave hit my toes bringing me back from my chains of thoughts I came back to restart a life that has fallen in depth of a regretful decision. As, much as I want to push those memories it suddenly fills my mind making salty water stream down my cheeks.

Everyone blamed me for it. Was I truly the one to be blamed after all? Was it my fault? Those are questions that still haunts me till today and that's why I'm back to find the answers I truly deserve. I won't stop till I find my answers to this guilt that's eating me away since I left Santa Monica five years ago.

~five Years ago~

"Sera do you see that star up high in the sky" Adelyn's soft voice murmured next to me. We laid on the white sand as we stared up at the dark night sky full of stars while the beach waves crashed on the shore.

"Yes Ade I do" I murmured back.

"My mom told me that's my dad, she said once we die our souls turn into stars that brightens up the night sky so that we won't be afraid of the dark" she softly says back.

"Why are you bringing this up?" I asked confused.

"One day I will be next to that star and I will be brightening up the sky next to my father" she responds back.

"Ade stop talking nonsense it will be a long time till you will be shining in the sky next to your father" I snort while still looking up at the sky full of stars.

"Yea a long time" she said sadly. Little did I know she was shining next to her father the next day.

~present time~

"And you're still brighting my way through the dark Ade right next to your father" I whispered softly as I stared at the night sky full of stars.

I am back after weeks of not updating my other story 😞 shame on me. But, I am really positive and excited about this story. I am really sorry for the sad introduction.

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