Chapter Nine

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    My eyes felt heavy I couldn't open them my whole entire body felt paralyzed. I could hear voices far away but can't make up who it is. A loud noise was ringing in my ear making me want to go crazy. I couldn't take it anymore with the bit of energy I had inside I shoot up from the bed I was laying in. I looked around noticing Leo and Chanyeol in a corner of the room who seemed to stop talking and were facing me. Leo was about to talk, but I interrupted as I faced the other side of the bed and vomited out the pizza I ate mix with a weird substance I don't recall eating or drinking.

"Well there it is" Leo commented. After I was done I sit back up feeling dizzy again.

"What the hell happened to me?" I asked them as I laid down feeling my eyes heavy once again.

"You were poisoned" Chanyeol replies as if it was nothing.

"What?" I said my voice seeming to sound quiet.

"You should rest your body feels tired because it's trying to get rid of all the toxic in your body" Leo replies. I nodded and soon my eyes shut as sleep took in again.

    The second time I woke up no one was around. I stood up from bed and looked around the room. It didn't look like I was in a hospital apart from the bed and the machines. This room looked as if I was in someone's private clinic. Soon the door opened and a Slim man with dark hair and pale skin walked in.

"You're awake" the men comments.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in my clinic" he replies. I looked at his ID which is clipped to his doctor's coat.

"Dr. Oh?" I asked.

"Yes that's me, Chanyeol brought you here just in time if you wouldn't have come in time you would have been dead" he said.

"Chanyeol? But before I passed out he wasn't with me" I said.

"Hmm you will have to ask him about that, Anyways I'm a good friend of him, my name is Sehun" he replies. He stretched out a hand for me to shake. I shake his hand and he smiles. "You could head back home today the poison left your system after your two days rest and you're new as ever".

"Thank you Dr. Oh" I reply giving him a small smile.I wasn't surprised I blacked out for two days I could sleep for an entire week if I could. I looked up at Sehun and noticed he is really young and hot for a doctor.

"Everyone tells me that" he smirks. My eyes widened as I said my thoughts out loud. The door to my room opened and soon Chanyeol came in.

"Oh Chanyeol I was just telling your friend she can go home" Sehun said. He nods and looks at me. Sehun took this as a sign to leave and left out the door not before giving me a wink. I blush at his gesture.

"I see you caught an interest for my brother Sehun" chanyeol comments while glaring.

"Brother? He said he was a good friend of yours" I questioned confused.

"We are half brothers he doesn't like to go around saying it cause he's the good kid while I'm the bad one" he shrugs.

"So basically you're the black sheep of the family, and he's embarrassed of you" I stated.

"Bingo" he said.

"What a surprise?" I said sarcastically. We can all see the difference between Chanyeol and Sehun. When first meeting Chanyeol he wasn't the type of person to be gentle to a lady or even crack a smile. While Sehun at least gave me a smile and a wink. The only similarities between them might be the height but Chanyeol was still an inch or two taller than Sehun. "If your brother Sehun is a doctor, why didn't you go to him when you were stabbed?" I questioned.

"Your apartment was closer by the time I got to him I would have lost a lot of blood" he shrugs.

"What a stupid excuse, you literally had a small cut and it wasn't that deep either, you went to my apartment for a reason" I scoffed.

"You're right, but I regretted the moment I woke up" he calmly said.

"Chanyeol sooner or later I will get that piece of information I need from you" I challenged.

"Well let's see kitten who gets what in the end, now get your stuff if you stay in your apartment they will try something else and you won't live long" he said as he turns to leave.

"What? So where am I going to stay at?" I asked.

"With me" he said as he leaves out the door.

I know this chapter is super short but this whole week I've been working and I wrote as much as I could during my free time I have next week off so expect a longer chapter next week to make up for this short one 😭😭.

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