Chapter Seven

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So I had to add this photo of Leo cause he looks so damn sexy and mysterious like always I can't wait for his comeback with Ravi 😭

      For the past hour I've been staring at nothing but the cellphone on top of my nightstand. Waiting till it ring, but I guess Chanyeol was that lonely not one single call or message has popped out in the time I had the phone.

"Are you just going to stare at that cellphone or are we going to look for that Chanyeol guy?" Leo asked from the doorway.

"We don't need to look for him, he will show up to take his belonging back" I reply as I scoot up leaning against my headboard.

"Well if you just going to stare at that cellphone the whole day I might as well go buy some food since your fridge is literally empty" he States as he moves closer to me.

"What?" I ask as his palm is in front of me waiting for me to give him something.

"Well it's your house not mine at least give some cash since I'm your bodyguard I haven't been working" he says sighing. I passed him some bills from my wallet that was on the nightstand as well. "Alright I will be back soon don't leave the house and if you are in trouble call me it's only a number away" he then leaves and I huff as the front door opens and then closes he must have taken my keys.

How can someone be so stupid how am I going to call him while I'm in trouble like if I will have time to grab a phone while someone tries something on me. I silently thought, moments passed until I heard a light knock on the door. I got up from the bed but not before hiding the phone in a small space behind my headboard and then I went to open the door. Outside my door stands a tall guy not as tall as Chanyeol, he has dark hair, and bronze skin I was jealous of.

"May I help you?" I ask him.

"I'm looking for something my bo- I mean my friend dropped when he was here" he states.

"Really? Could it be a cellphone?" I ask.

"Indeed it is hottie, now will you go and get it before I di- I mean before he goes on a killing spree around town not only me" he says a smirk plasters on his face although I knew he wasn't joking at all.

"Well may you rest in piece tell your friend to come get his own property and to stop being a coward and show himself" I say as I then close the door in his face.

"You're going to regret that hottie" he says as I then hear his faint footsteps. A second later I hear the same footsteps again and a loud knocking on the door.

"Go to tell your coward friend to come and get his own shitty phone" I yell as I opened the door. But, to my surprise Chanyeol stood in the same spot that the man from before was standing on, and he did not look happy.

"Coward huh?" He asks as he takes dangerous steps towards me till he was a few inches away from me. "Go get that shitty phone of mines or all hell will break loose" he threatens as he leans down to my height.

"Like hell I will give it back to you that easily, tell me what I need to know or I won't give you the phone back" I gritted out.

"Very well kitten I don't have low patience, you brought this on yourself" with that he lifted me onto his shoulder. I started hitting his back yelling at him to put me down. He then set me on one of my kitchen chairs and grabbed a tape that was on top of the table.

"Yah what are you doing" I yelled at him he then started applying tape all around me till I was trapped onto the chair and couldn't move. "Yah are you cra-" I didn't get to finish off as he then tapes my mouth with a leftover piece.

"You're lucky I can't kill you or you would have been six feet under by now" he says looking at me with the coldest eyes I've ever seen. I shot him a glare and started trashing around he just smirked and walked to my room.

'Thank god I hide the phone' I mentally pat myself in the back as I hear trashing sounds from my room. That stupid jerk now I have to clean my room after Someone removes me from the chair. I then heard his loud footsteps coming from my room to stand in front of him. I look up at him I couldn't help it, but be proud he was fuming if this was a cartoon smoke would have come out his ears and his head would have been beet red.

"Where's the fucking phone Seraphina?" He asks. I couldn't help, but shudder once he said my full name. I looked up innocently and shrugged. I saw how his fists were clenching so hard I couldn't help, but gulp it looked as if he was going to hit me. I flinched as I saw his arm raise his hand, he sighed lowering his fists to his side. He patted my head and crouched down to my sitting height. He ripped out the tape forcefully making me hiss.

"What a gentleman" I state sarcastically.

"Last strike Seraphina, where is the goddamn phone?" he asked trying to keep his shit together, but I can still see he was so close to snapping my neck if I don't tell him.

"I won't tell you till you tell me what Adelyn has to do with you" I yell at him.

"Are you that stupid? Don't you get it? if I tell you they won't hesitate and will kill you, you know too much already, stop being naive and go back to your rich life in New York" he bits back. My eyes rounded in surprise how the hell did he know that I was in New York and that my dad is rich?

"Were you stalking me?" I ask. He scoffs and stands up.

"Not stalking you kitten I was keeping tabs on you to make sure you didn't do some stupid shit, but I soon grew tired and stopped two years ago" he confesses.

" You pretended not to know me, but deep inside you know more than you should" I glared at him. He's the last piece of the puzzle I needed to know the last bit of information.

"That's right kitten, now tell me where my phone is I let you go and you will then go running back to your rich dad" he finishes with a not too friendly smile.

"As if, I'm not leaving till I get what I want meaning I won't tell you where your phone is till you spill out the beans and I can finally solve this puzzle" I bit back.

"For fucks sake, who do you think you are? An FBI agent? A crime investigator??" He asks still annoyed.

"No I'm just a naive 23-year old trying to find my best friend's murderer that blamed everything on me when in reality I'm the one mostly confused about everything" I yelled as I soon feel something wet on my cheeks. I felt stupid and pathetic crying in front of him. He looked at me his eyes seemed to soften, but I knew he pitied me. He cleared his throat and soon his eyes were back to the cold heartless dark orbs.

"I will give you three days kitten return my phone or you will face consequences" he threatened.

"What do you even have on that stupid phone? A plan to bomb this stupid little town? Or maybe you're desperate to know if your hoes have texted you" I laughed as his face was worse than before yeah I had picked up a weak part of him. Next think I know I feel a hand wrap around my neck making me gag.

" Watch your mouth I don't care if I can't kill you because I will" he then let go and stormed out of my apartment.

I guess I'm on everyone's top list of killing. But, I won't die till I have what I want even if I have to kill as well or end up dead.

"Bring it on if it's a war they want a war is what they will get" I whispered softly.

Sorry guys I updated late 😭 Today was my first day at work and I was busy 😢 I won't update that early as before but I will try to update on the days I have to ☹️. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 👍🏽.

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