Chapter Twelve

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"Lay?" I asked confused.

Chanyeol instead of answering grabbed the canvas and threw it to the floor smashing it with anger written on his face.

"Yah what the hell are you doing?" I asked pulling him away from my now broken canvas as adelyn's face disappears. Chanyeol stops and turns to look at me he grabs my shoulders harshly and starts shaking me roughly.

"Why was Lay and Adelyn painted on that canvas?" he asked angrily.

"I don't know I was lost in my thoughts while I was painting" I responded while tears streamed down my face. I have never seen Chanyeol as angry as he is now.

"What do you mean you don't know? You are hiding something Sera tell me, how do you know Lay?" He asked.

"I swear I'm not lying and I don't know who he is I just saw him once" I responded honestly.
He released his hold on me and moved away huffing angrily. He then stormed out the door and down the hallway. 

"Hey are you ok?" A small voice came from the door. I looked up to see Luhan.

"Yea I am, I never have seen Chanyeol this mad before" I answered as I wiped my tears.

"He has a dark past and it involves Lay that's why he was behaving like that" he said.

"Did Lay do something to him?" I asked.

"He messed Chanyeol up really bad I can't tell you the whole story because it's not my place to tell you but Chanyeol suffered a lot" he answered. I stayed quiet as I looked down at my broken painting.

"I know Chanyeol will be really mad but do you wanna go out for air?" Luhan asked. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

We walked outside to the beach the tides were hitting the shore violently hinting me a storm was coming. The sun was covered by clouds while the wind was hitting my arm giving me goosebumps. I hugged my arms to my chest while I stared at the never ending beach.

"If you want a moment by yourself I can leave and watch you from the deck" Luhan suggested.

I nodded and he walked away to deck which was a few steps from where I was standing. I sat down on the sand and watched the water crash onto the shore.

"Ade what dark past could Chanyeol have?" I whispered. A stronger wind hit my body as I hugged my arms more looking for warmth. Soon water began to pour down as thunder masked the gray sky.

"Let's go Sera" I heard Luhan say from the deck. I nodded and stood up heading towards him.

Hours passed, minutes passed, seconds passed, and still no sign of Chanyeol. The sky was dark with a full moon covered by dark clouds as rain still poured down. I sat in my bed while staring at the scenery outside my window. A knock pulled me out from my thoughts.

"Hey Sera it's dinner time" I nodded at Luhan and stood up from my bed. I followed him down the stairs into the kitchen. "Go ahead and eat I have to go run patrol outside".

"Ok thank you Luhan" I said before he left.

"No problem" he answered.

I was soon left alone while I ate my food silenty. As my thoughts once again appeared. A few minutes passed and I was still eating. The back door to the kitchen soon snapped open as a figure walked in. My fork dropped as I stared at Chanyeol's appearance. His clothes were soaking wet and his hair was dripping with water. His body swayed back and forth as he tried to hold steady of the door. He looked around the kitchen till his eyes landed on me. He gave me a drunken smile as he entered the kitchen slamming the door.

"J-Jisoo" he whispered as he slowly tried to walk to me stumbling a few times. I stood up from my chair and stared at him.

"Chanyeol where have you been?" I asked. Once he was close to me his hand touched my cheeks softly as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"Jisoo?" He asked. My eyebrows furrowed as he called another girl's name.

"No it's me seraph-" I was cut off as his lips touched mine softly. My eyes widen as Chanyeol grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him. He tasted of strong whiskey and cherry. I snapped out of my trans and pulled away from him.

"Stop Chanyeol you're not in a good state of mind" I said as my hand was pressed firmly against his soaked chest. His lips formed a frown as he looked at me like a puppy.

"But I want to kiss you Jisoo" he said. I shooked my head.

"I am not Jisoo for gods sake" I said harshly.

"If you're not Jisoo where is my Jisoo?" He asked as tears started to pool around his eyes.

"Goddamit Chanyeol snap out of it I don't know who Jisoo is or where she is" I responded. His face soon changed and he started laughing. I looked at him shocked as he moved away and leaned down laughing.

"Chanyeol you are scaring me stop it" I said. He stood up straight and looked at me still laughing.

"Of course she's not here or anywhere" he said as his laughs soon started to die down and the frown replaced his face again. " of course not why would she? When she's dead" he said as tears streamed down his eyes and sobs started to arise.

This was another side of Chanyeol I have never seen before. A broken hearted Chanyeol who has lost someone he loved. Just like I did. We were both ripped apart from someone we loved and now what we have left are just memories. I moved closer to him and hugged him as he sobbed more into my neck hugging me tighter. I couldn't stop my own tears from falling as I felt the same pain he was feeling. My hand moved up to his hair as I patted his head. All that was heard on that stormy night was Chanyeol's sobs and my humming.

Guess who's of work today and tomorrow and will be uploading more chapters? That's right me. Sorry I have been MIA for months but I'm back and will be uploading more chapters. Happy New Year I hope 2018 will be an amazing tear for you and your family full of health, happiness and wealth.

So today I made a curious cat account that's a website where you can ask questions and I will answer so if you would like to ask me anything then here is the perfect opportunity.

Follow me on twitter if you want 😌
This will be it for now I will try to upload later tonight!!!!!


I know I'm late but I couldn't resist posting this🤷🏽‍♀️

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I know I'm late but I couldn't resist posting this🤷🏽‍♀️.

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