Chapter Five

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   "Indeed it has been a long time Seraphina" he says as he leans back in his chair. "Now why has her majesty order for me?" He asks.

"When was the last time you spoke to Adelyn?" I ask.

"Hmm now why would I tell you that so quick majesty?" He asks. He was starting to annoy me it was better for him to be quiet.

"I need to know if you interacted with Ade before she died" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Why so that you can then pass the blame to me?" He asks again. I glared at him as my hands turns into fists.

"Goddamit Leo just tell me" I raised my voice a bit making people look at me.

"Calm down tiger I will tell you" he laughs."anyways last time I saw her was three weeks before she died she was at a friend's party, and we happened to cross paths, we talked, and she told me not much she just told me to watch over you while she was gone at first I was confused she seemed drunk but after she died I then took seriously what she told me" he finished off.

"It doesn't make any sense she told someone else for me to run away and now she assigned someone else to be my bodyguard" I stated annoyed with this puzzle.

"Well she knew you were hard-headed that you wouldn't listen of the run away warning which is why I will be your bodyguard as you call it" he says.

"I don't need a bodyguard I know how to protect myself" I bit back. The waitress soon comes and places my iced Americano and piece of cake in front of me then leaves.

"Really? You know how to protect yourself so well that you don't know there are people following you and watching you" he says as he grabs my plate with the cake and starts eating it I glare at him while drinking my coffee.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Look to your left, three tables away,New York Yankees hat, Ray Ban sunglasses, and black hair" he says. I waited a few seconds registering his description and then looked noticing a young man a few years older than me reading a newspaper.

"What about him? He's reading a newspaper?" I ask.

"Well, when you're not looking he's looking at you. He has been following you ever since you left your house, but you were too busy in your own little world you didn't notice" he finishes off. I look back again noticing that he dropped the newspaper and was now speaking through the phone while taking small glances at our table. "If I was you I would leave and head straight home and not come out till it's safe" he suggested.

"How will I know it's safe to leave?" I ask.

"Jesus, now it's you asking the questions, I will call you" with that he stands up and leaves, leaving me with my last question in my head.
'How will he call if he doesn't have my number?'

I stared at the now empty plate in front of me. I sighed and paid the waitress I then stood up and left. Right as I turned the corner the figure came back again. He was wearing all black I couldn't see him or recognize him.

"Strike two, princess, one more strike and you're out" he says before walking away. I was about to walk away until someone stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" I look back and saw Leo again. I rolled my eyes and remove his grip from my shoulders.

"I thought you left" I stated as I stare at the empty space where the figure was standing.

"I did, but then I forgot I can't leave you alone because you do stupid things that will harm you and indeed I was right" he finishes off. I brushed him off and started walking home with Leo following behind silently.

"Do you know about the list Ade made before she died?" I ask.

"Yes I do, but I just know Jiyong was there first then me and another person who I don't know" he says.

"Wait you don't know who that last person is either?" I ask.

"Nope and I guess you won't know till that person shows itself like I did they're the last missing piece of the puzzle" he replies.

"Why didn't she finished the name? it's halfway written all it has is a last name and the beginning of the name, but it's cut off" I stated.

"Hmm maybe she didn't have time to finish it or probably wrote elsewhere before she died" he suggested. Then all of a sudden it hit me.

"You're a genius Leo" I stated happily.

"Huh? Me? How?" He asks. I brought out my phone and searched for her last messages that was buried deep in my inbox.

"Come on let's go" I say as I drag him the last few blocks to my apartment. Once inside he sits on my couch while I grabbed a pen and paper from a shelf. I sit next to him while I show him. "Before Ade died she messaged me this weird message it had a bunch of bold letters at the beginning, but the sentence didn't made any sense look" I pointed.

'People with All Respect keep Changing their Heaps of Appreciation while kNowing it's incorrect to have something Yellow undEr OutLines of sun rays'

"Holy shit that was really smart" Leo comments. After, finishing writing I look at the name.

"Park Chanyeol?" I asked confused. It made sense it was him since his last name is Park like in the list.

"I have no idea who he is" Leo says confused as well.

A few seconds later we then hear knocking. I look at Leo then at the door he shrugs and I go to open the door. When I open the door a tall man who looked at least two years older than me leaned against the doorway while his hand presses against his stomach where blood was oozing out. His red hair was pressed to his forehead as his eyes look up at me but it wasn't just any eyes it was cold dark eyes as if they can stare deep into my soul.

"Who are you?" I asked as he still stares at me.

"Park Chanyeol" his deep voice said before all of a sudden he stepped inside and lost consciousness dropping next to me.

"Well you didn't have to have find him, he came to you" Leo states. I scoff as I stare at the unconscious man in my apartment and back at the mysterious man sitting on my couch.

While I was writing the hint I had no idea what to write so I just put random words that came to my mind as Seraphina said it make no sense. I made this chapter a bit more longer which I am proud off. *Gives myself a pat on the back* Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter 👍🏽

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