Chapter Two

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   Walking around town was a bad idea. With every step I take eyes follows me and whispers fills the bitter cold air. It isn't a surprise they're talking about me as My face was in every news channel and newspapers around town when I've been framed for Adelyn's death.

"What are you doing here?" A harsh voice said as I stopped in my tracks. I turned around and face Sofia whose Adelyn's mother.

"Sofia" I whispered surprised to find her here. She supposedly left town two years ago saying she needed some vacations according to my mother.

"What is the murderer of my child doing here when she was supposed to be locked up five years ago?" She asked. I hissed at her new name for me.

"After all this year I thought you would have figured out I wouldn't kill my best friend who was a sister to me, but I see you still blame me for it" I bit back. Her face soften for a second till it was replaced with a glare.

"It's naive of you to think I would forgive you I know you killed her and I'm going to prove it. What you did was unacceptable and I will find evidence to prove you were there" with that she was about to leave but my words stopped her.

"Keep looking because you won't find anything, in the meanwhile I will find out who actually killed her, unlike you who is wasting your time blaming me" I gave her a once over and continued my trip downtown. I noticed the people standing around us like if it was a show.

~five years ago~

"Ade and Sera come down for dinner" I hear Sofia's booming voice from the kitchen.

"Coming" Ade yells back.

"So I saw this guy staring at you when we were at the beach he was hot, but a bit creepy" I told her as we made our way downstairs.

"Really?" She said. She looked a bit scared as if she knew something about the guy.

"Yea, but don't worry if I see him stalking you I will be your knight in shining armor and scare him away" I huffed. She smiled but still looked scared. Once in the kitchen we dropped the conversation as we sat down to eat dinner.

"So how was your day thing one and thing two?" Sofia asked. She would always call us thing one and thing two since we always hanged around each other. We became best friends when we were five and our moms became friends.

"It was good we went to the beach as usual and surfed for a bit then we came back" I replied. I looked up at Ade next to me to see she had spaced out. She has been spacing out recently and is always looking around her surroundings when we go out as if someone was to be following her.

"Sounds interesting like always, anyways have you guys thought of doing something else like getting a job, you guys are 18 years old who should be working" she said while standing up and going to the sink.

"Me and Ade have been going around with our resume and have applied to many jobs, so far we haven't been called which sucks cause we could use the extra cash" I replied. She nods and left the kitchen once she disappears I set my fork down and look at Ade still spaced out.

"Ade what's wrong you have been acting weird?" I asked. She jumped when I placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

"I'm fine just a bit anxious since college is starting in a few months, and we will be separated" she soon covers it up. I knew she was lying as her nose twitches and her eyes lands on everything but me.

I dropped the conversation and continued eating. I should have push more she was hiding something from me and I didn't like it one bit.

~present time~

How I wish to turn back time and ask her till she told me something was bothering her so that I could prevent it before it led to her death. I soon found the place I was searching for and walked up the small stairs. The floorboards creaked as my feet got me to the door. I knocked and waited till someone answered it.

"Seraphina?" Someone opened the door and greeted me in a hug.

"Junmyeon, how have you been?" I asked. Junmyeon was a closed friend of Ade and me but when Ade died and I left he was left confused and heartbroken I knew he had a crush on Ade.

"I've been well I guess. What about you?" He asked as he led me inside his house.

"I've been well" I said as my voice broke at the end. I sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen island while he grabbed me some water.

"I'm glad you're back I missed Ade and You so much I was a bit upset you left and just let these people put the blame on you I know deep inside it wasn't you" he replied softly as he handed me the water and sat next to me.

"Thanks Junmyeon which is why I came to you" I said as I looked up at him.

"What's up? Do you need a favor?" He asked.

"I need more than a favor I need you to help me find Ade's murderer" I replied. He looked at me surprised and stayed silent for a while. "It's OK if you don't wan-" I soon got interrupted.

"Yes Sera I will help you it just surprised me how serious you sounded" he said.

"Great I want to start of by looking up who Kwon jiyong is, she had this diary hidden she thought I didn't know about it,but I did once she died I started looking to see if there was something in it about her death but all I found was a list of  three names" I finished off.

"Him being the first I assume" he replies I nodded. "It shouldn't be hard to find him I've heard about him from my friends I can ask" he suggested.

"Yea that would be great" I said. We sat there catching up on our life he was still a bit sad about Ade's death. After a while I bid a goodbye and walked home.

As I walked home I wasn't focused on my surroundings thinking about everything that has happened till someone bumped into me.

"Sorry" a deep voice said as he continued walking without turning leaving me starring at his back not having a chance to catch his face.

Here's a longer chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. I liked the flashback she had in the middle 😉. Anyways comment and Vote 👍🏽

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