Track Back - Two Way

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If you boot off a live Linux CD, you can see the Wi-Fi traffic without even connecting to the targeted network. Once you have booted into the operating system, you can use a program called "airmon-ng." This will allow you to turn your current wireless cars into a monitoring device. After you see a wireless access point and decide who is a "top talker on that device, use a program called "macchanger" to alter your network fingerprint to the top talker's MAC. Use "ifconfig" to turn the wireless card on. Then connect to the same remote access point. Even though you are spoofing the target "MAC address," but you are usually going to be another Internet Protocol (IP) address. If they have a service proxy, you may have to use progress like Burpe suite or Paros proxy to fake other connection information like browser or paid connection information.

Proxy Server
Offer SSH encryption or even AES 256 bit encryption tunnels.

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