Just Maybe •TakanoxRitsu

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His existence was rather dull, he went to school, he went to the library immediately after, he’d go home and maybe make himself dinner then he would go into his room with Sorata and never venture out. No one was home anyway, so what was the point? And if someone was home…well…It was almost as if they weren’t there. Except when his parents fought then they were there…In this broken home. His days were constantly repeating nothing ever seemed to change.

Then, it all changed.

This boy started to follow him around, and this boy was always in the library when he was and he was also renting out all the same book as him. His name was underneath his own in every book he checked out,

‘Ritsu Oda.’

This was slightly weird, but easily ignored. This boy had other things to occupy his thoughts with.

But then it changed once again.

This boy confronted him.


It was such a pathetic voice. Saga-sempai huh? So he only really knew his last name, Takano blinked at Ritsu. It was quiet for a moment than a gush of words just spilt out of the smaller boy’s mouth; it was something along the lines of loving him…Though technically they’d never really met.

Takano’s face held the same blank expression despite the fact that he felt rather indifferent to this boy for some reason he found himself leading this boy back to his house after this occurrence. He held some curiosity for the other, like what his actual motive was and if he actually wanted this serious relationship with another male. Did he just want to satisfy his own curiosity of…having a same-sex partner?

His question was answered; he knew almost exactly what this boy wanted once they were in his room.

With a weird disappointed feeling he pressed his mouth to the younger boy’s afterwards telling him to open his mouth.

It was almost pitiful, this boy was beyond nervous, underneath him, Takano could feel everything. It was enjoyable, to say the least. Their lips as he slid the covers to hide more of them, their lips broke when a gasp for air escaped the other’s lips. Takano wasn’t sure what to think…

Indifferent. That would be correct.

The thrusts into his partner meant nothing to him, though he couldn’t deny the feeling of hearing his partner’s moans and gasps.


Maybe just maybe this would work.

This wasn’t beginning right though…This relationship.

…Maybe he was really the curious one?

Those slender arms wove themselves around his body, Takano took a moment to take in Ritsu’s face, and he swallowed as he watched a single tear trickle down the young boy’s face, “Saga-s-sempai.” Still so formal…even while doing something like this. Takano swallowed and kissed him softly once more,



Just maybe.


a short fanfic for you guys

ugh, haven't written in forever, whatever. hope you enjoy :D

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