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There was a drowned rat in my window, he had simply stepped inside the moment I had left it open. His drenched mousy hair clung tightly over his eyes and his hand clutched tightly a wound over his shoulder. I remembered swallowing at the sight of blood oozing between his fingers and dripping upon my carpet.

My first original thought was to…Ah…Well see this I don’t remember, what was my original thought? Was I thinking when I reached out towards him? …The logical thing to do would not have been to throw my welcoming hand to a dangerous stranger, one with a record apparently as I learned shortly after from the warning sent out.

Reporting him that would have been anyone’s first thought…Not mine it would seem.

His fingers dug into my throat and he glared up at me with those haunting eyes. Beautiful couldn’t even begin to cover the appearance of this boy in my eyes. It was an odd observation to have when one was trying to strangle you, but it was the thought to dominate my mind.

“I-I can help!” I wanted to exclaim, I wanted an excuse to study him anyway…

My mother’s voice came over the communicator upon my wall, she was warning me about the open window. He suspected me, his hold on me loosened then retightened even stronger than before. I did something no other citizen of No.6 would be; I dismissed my mother and reported to her that I would be staying in my room for the night. I had a huge paper due; it was a good enough excuse.

My actions took him by surprise, he released me and stepped back, “I can fix that.” Was all I said as I stepped around him towards my closet. It wasn’t my main study, but I did have a slight knowledge of minor cuts and burns, though this looked a bit deep I was sure I could easily take care of it for him.

This beautiful boy soon began to relax and open up me, I found conversation with him rather engaging and charming, he had a very…’interesting’ air to him. His name was Nezumi, or so he had told me, what parent would name their child that was beyond me. It was a different kind of meeting, people like this Nezumi never did exist in No. 6, I guess that’s what made me so drawn to him. He was a new specimen to be examined or so it seemed originally, I liked the way he looked…He was attractive for a boy…

I still remember the feel of his overheated body against him and the feel of his fingers through mine was so vivid…

An injured rat had climbed through my window and tried to strangle me…

Such a meeting will be impossible to forget.


Sorry it's short, but I'm slowly writing again.


Hope you like it guys.

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