Welcome home. •Maruka

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He could see his breathe in the air as he made his way through the slim streets of their familiar home town. It had been months, years, ages, since he had walked these streets, and he was filled with joy. He was also filled with fear; a fear that maybe, possibly, his dear friend may not still be at that place. That was all he came back for after all. He had left for college just like the rest of them, but of course to his dear friend Haruka he had promised that he would one day return to him. Once he was done with university he could come back to the one he treasured more than anything.

Makoto paused as he came to the steps he had grown so familiar with earlier in life; these steps lead straight to that place… He breathed in deeply, this was it. He would find out if his dear friend had kept his vow. There were others to see of course, there was Rei, Nagisa and Rin. Even Gou, but all he cared about at this moment was Haru.

He ran up the steps, and turned sharply to see the house; the house he had basically grown up in with that boy. A ‘Haru’ muffled by his thick scarf fell from his lips. He couldn’t believe it. There were lights on in the building! He had to be here!

Makoto rapped his knuckles onto the wooden door, and he felt a large smile take over his aged features. Would Haru be overjoyed to see him and suddenly cling to him? Would he even get a kiss? Makoto sighed, that seemed very unlikely of his friend. More than likely Makoto would receive an uninterested look, maybe a slight smile if lucky, then a curt ‘welcome home, Makoto.’ While Makoto wished for more he wouldn’t get greedy.

The door shifted open, Makoto snapped out of his thoughts and looked excitedly at the warm inside, “Haru-chan?!” He exclaimed.

Surely enough, there was his raven haired friend. He looked bored, as usual. This was just what Makoto expected.

“Makoto..” The boy seemed occupied by thoughts for a moment, “I’m glad you’ve come back.”

Makoto gulped, “H-Haru!” He pounced on the man and pulled him into a tight embrace. “I came back as soon as I could! I don’t know why you wanted to wait this long to see me! Why couldn’t we go to university together?!”

The boy stood silently momentarily. He wasn’t hugging back. Makoto gulped, maybe that had been a bad decision?

“I’ve missed you.” Haruka muttered into Makoto’s shoulder. “I... I thought... Maybe if we distanced ourselves.” The boy stumbled for a moment. Makoto wanted to urge him to talk, but he only held onto the boy a bit tighter. “I thought that we’d forget about… those feelings we had in high school.” He heard Haruka take in a deep breathe, “I wanted us to be apart.” Makoto could feel his heart being pulled at. Haru wanted to forget him?! Sure, those feelings were troublesome with certain people, but they’d always be welcome in their swim club. Surely.

Haruka’s hands crept over Makoto’s back and clung to the fabric of his winter jacket, “I l-loved you, Makoto.” Haruka shifted so he was pressed against the crook of Makoto’s neck, Makoto shivered slightly at his warm breathe, “I loved you so much.”

“Loved?” Makoto questioned.

Haruka lifted his face to peer at Makoto’s. “I love you, Makoto.”

The larger male allowed one of his hands to run over Haruka’s cheek, he stared intensely into those ocean blue eyes, “I love you too, Haru-chan.” A smile formed over his pale lips.

Haruka’s sweet face now contorted into one of displeasure, “Don’t call me Haru-chan.” Haruka pulled from Makoto’s embrace to shut the door, he headed towards the walkway, “Are you hungry? I’m making dinner.”

Makoto happily followed, taking in a deep breathe so he could seep in to that familiar smell. The smell of home. “Do you still live off mackerel?” Makoto chuckled.

“I’ve… expanded my diet.” Haruka was blushing, Makoto found it cute.

The dark haired man made his way to leave, but Makoto grabbed onto one of his wrists and pulled him back towards him.

“I’m happy to see you.” He whispered, leaning closer to his dear friend.

Haruka made an embarrassed face, “Welcome back home...”

Makoto kissed Haruka quickly then and gently as well. Finally, he was back where he belonged once again.



Enjoy the maruka, i love them

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