12: Fired Up

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Eren in an instant smashes his lips onto Levi's.  A little too hard... but Levi doesn't complain about it and neither does Eren. The boy's tail swishes from left to right in quick motions as his excitement builds up inside of him. This, is true bliss! After days, weeks, months, he's finally accomplishing phase one of his dreams: kissing Levi!

The raven cups the back of Eren's head and kisses Eren sweetly before pulling away and staring at the blushing wolf in front of him. He snorts, mildly amused by the brat. The wolf's heart is beating so damn fast. It's never thumped so hard before.

Eren blinks, then goes back for another kiss. And another. And some more kisses to Levi's lips until the man holds him back and tells him to calm down. Easier said than done! Eren has had one taste and already he's addicted.

Though even Levi can admit that Eren has such soft lips that he wouldn't mind going in for seconds. The mood feels different for the raven haired man. Kissing for Levi has always been a way for Levi to set a mood for when he's about to get laid. Always hot, sultry kisses, but for once in his life, he's making out with Eren in a sweet manner. Oddly, it's nice.

Levi brushes a hand over the blushing brunet's face before he turns away with a small tingle in his own cheeks.

"You... really are a Virgin." He states.

"Sh-shut up!" Eren whines before clinging back to the naked man. Levi chuckles and pats his head gently before he pushes the brat off of him and exits the bed. Standing there naked and proud about it.

"You'll be fine here while I'm at work, right?" Levi asks, wandering over to his cupboard.

"I always am. I'll just watch TV."

"Okay. Stay at home this time. No coming after me while I'm working. No after work meet ups, got that?"

"Ummm..." Eren hums for a short while, hand under his chin in thought. "Thinking..." he says weighing all his options. "Hm. No promises."

"Eren. I'm serious."

"But why? I like visiting you." Eren pouts as he sighs in defeat.

"You can't wait for me... maybe you can come with me instead."

At the mention of it, Eren immediately sits up straight trying to show Levi he's interested.  His grin spreads like no other and he jumps up and down on the bed in exciexcitement. Of course he wants to go with Levi! Seeing what Levi does all day? He's always been curious, but Levi never really answered. What he said never made sense to Eren. This is a great opportunity and he must not miss!

"The Boss likes animals, so you'll have to be in your canine form. The rules are, don't trash the place, no licking your privates, no yapping, whatsoever." Levi explains to the boy and Eren nods his head, noting down the rules. "And no killing."

"Killing?  I wouldn't kill, Levi... unless... you know. It's good. Or it looks at me funny. Or breathes anywhere near you or even thinks about touching you!"

"No. Killing!" Levi repeats sternly.

"Fine... birds on the street? I don't like pigeons. They have weird body language that I don't understand. I think one called me a bitch once... I think."

"Eren. No." The raven repeats which by now has been easily rehearsed. There's no way that Levi is dealing with blood if it gets on his work outfit. It's just a pain to scrub out those red stains. With a sigh, Levi turns back to his wardrobe and opens the drawers in search for the clothes he will be needing for the day.

This, makes Eren lick his lips as a sudden dryness comes over them. He swallows thickly as the soft, plump skin just above Levi's thighs are completely visible to the young teen. Both cheeks, so round and squishy that it sends shivers down Eren's spine. He can just see the dangling thing between Levi's legs, especially when Levi bends over to reach into the deepest regions of his draws. The whole thing is spread wide open in the poor, immature wolf's view.

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