3: Stay

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It's the same coat. Same look. Same... everything. A dusty brown coat with patches of white on its face with gorgeous ocean eyes. Levi blinks and sits forward looking at the creature that has suddenly spawned in the middle of his loungeroom. He once again glances to his beer pack that still sits on the couch with him.

"I should probably take Hange's advice and go to alcohol anonymous..."

Eren's wolf barks and pounces onto the couch, damn near taking up the whole area. Levi immediately glares at the paw prints being left over the white surface. He growls at the wolf who sags his features and whimpers before laying across the man's lap. Levi stares. Unsure of what to do. Hesitantly, after staring the dog down for a while, Levi lets his hand rest on the fur, then he strokes the soft coat.

"This is all kinds of fucked up..." he mumbles.  Eren barks happily. Levi hums and scratches him behind the ears. Then suddenly, he remembers something which is very vital to the situation. "I told you, you couldn't come with me because this is a place for people..." he recalls. Eren is in fact a person. Levi frowns before groaning. "Damn it! Why couldn't you stay in the forest?"

Eren barks and nuzzles his wolf face into Levi's human one.

'Because I love you, Levi.'

"Shush. Look... you just... come along and dump this responsibility on me and expect me to take care of you. What if I don't want to, huh? What then?" Levi inquires the hound. Eren barks again. "Fine." Levi huffs. "Stay."

The wolf's tail wags in delight and voices his excitement in happy yaps.  He licks Levi's face, then barks fifty times more. The small man cringes and pushes Eren off and wipes his face clean of the slobber. "Gross..." he groans. "First rule of living here," Levi starts, scooping the brown wolf into his arms. Eren is heavy but thankfully Levi is no weakling. He's small, but incredibly strong. He carries Eren through the house, down the hall, turning left at the end opposite his own bedroom and opens a door.

"Animal's stay outside."

Levi drops Eren into the backyard. Into the rain. Shutting the door behind him. The wolf instantly scratches at the wood desperately with loud, sad whimpers before a long howl is released into the night.

Levi covers his ears and walks away. "Annoying brat..."

The howling continues for over ten minutes until loud thumps bang on the back door. "LEVI! LET ME IN! IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!" Eren screams through heavy sobs. The door opens and Levi frowns at the boy who's wet, shivering, his bottom lip even trembling violently and is the colour blue because he's so cold. "Levi, I don't have anywhere to sleep..." Eren sobs.

The raven mentally groans. Somehow, when he sees this kid cry his heart feels so damn guilty. It softens just that tiny bit, and he resents it. He hates crying. So much mess. With a sigh, Levi allows Eren into the house. Once he's in, Levi leads the young teen into his bedroom. There's no way he's letting Eren stay in those filthy rags without even a fresh pair of underwear. So he sifts through his cupboard to find something suitable for the wolf child. Eren stands there soaking wet while Levi hunts for some oversized clothing of his. Eren is way taller than him, for someone so young.

Another thing he dislikes.

He finds something for Eren, large drawstring pants and a long sleeve shirt plus some underwear and hands them to the teen. "Go get changed. We'll sort out sleeping arrangements later." Levi says to Eren. "Are you hungry? I'll go make something for you to eat." He sighs, ruffling Eren's hair and then walking out.

Once all toasty and warm in the new attire-which he already adores since they smell like his short little heart throb- he walks out into the kitchen in Levi's blanket, seeing the said man at the stove cooking something up. Eren immediately breaks into a wide grin. He's just a happy, blushing beam.

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