Prologue - Mastermind

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A hand of wisdom and happiness was strewn across the entire world two months ago. People are still basking in good weather and wealth even to this day. But there was one man who preferred not to talk about wishes – or anything soppy for that matter. He was cold-hearted like ice, stern and strong.

He had been this way ever since he was tormented nearly nine years ago. His wife and daughter had been torn away from his grasp and murdered. He was at his wit's end, and nothing mattered to him any more. He'd travelled to Almia to escape the pain and bad memories of his past. But he'd since turned crude and evil, employing his very own team of evil criminals to exact his revenge on the people who had ruined his life. The enemy was the one and only Team Rocket.

The man smiled to himself and gazed through his office' private tinted windows - bulletproof, of course. Outside, hundreds of cars and people rushed past, too concerned with their daily problems to even begin to think about the lonely stone building, sat on its own in the middle of an empty compound. The rusty steel gates clanged against the brick as wind buffeted anything that moved. "Sir..." An assistant said, having just entered the very dreary room. The man sighed and took his head away from the window, turning to face his employee. "Well? Have you learnt any more about the boy?" He asked.

"Well, he was last seen in Kanto with a friend..."


"A-A girl. He was spotted around her house yesterday."

"Hmm, a girlfriend?" The man sniggered to himself.

"I think I may have just found a way to break this boy... But first, we need to lure him here, to Almia..." He pondered.

"Yes, I know these children, very gullible, it would seem."

"Hmm... Gilham! Set 'Operation G' into full motion! I need this boy here."

"As you wish, Master Darragh..."

And with that, the woman turned on her heel and walked briskly out of the room. The man known only as 'Master Darragh' smiled and turned back to the busy streets of Almia. "Well well well... You'll be mine... Just you wait..." He smirked.

"A girlfriend? I must say, well done. But soon, all you believe in - all you've ever loved - will be torn from your grasp. You'll wish you were never even born..."

It was his first step in gaining revenge, and he couldn't think of a better way...

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