Chapter 45

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Before the first ray of sunlight even appeared on the horizon, Percy was wide awake. He came into consciousness in stages, sleep fading away from him like a shadow slipping away in the presence of light. He remained on the bed for several moments, enjoying the weight across his chest, the warmth at his back. For that moment, Percy allowed a smile to play on his lips, his chest feeling much lighter than it had in ages. The shift in breathing pattern alerted him to the fact that Loki had woken up. The god's arm tightened, pulling the demigod flush against his chest. Percy felt a warm breath blow against his ear, shivering slightly as the god's lips left butterfly touches on his ear. "Tease." He grumbled good-naturedly, elbowing the god slightly.

He could practically feel Loki's mischievous grin as he nipped at his ear. Percy laughed, pushing the god away teasingly. The hydrokinetic boy narrowed his eyes, "Stop that," he said, his serious tone undermined by the grin on his face, "I need to get ready."

Loki harrumphed, flopping back down on the bed, his tunic riding up slightly, exposing a well-toned body. Percy's mouth went dry at that, forcing himself to look at Loki's face instead. The god smirked, knowing exactly what was going through his lover's head at the moment. Percy scowled and flushed, his cheeks turning a bright pink which was visible even in the dim light of the room. Loki grinned and tugged his lover in for a kiss, Percy complying, deepening the intimate gesture. They broke away with a gasp of air, and Percy bopped Loki's nose, smiling softly and climbing out of bed to wash up.

The god let his eyes linger on his lover for several more seconds until it went out of view as Percy headed to the adjoining bathroom. He lay on the bed for several more seconds, thoughts which had been banished as he fell asleep returning with a vengeance. The god of lies sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face. In that moment, he let down his guard, and a world-weary look came over him. No sooner than it appeared when it disappeared, leaving no trace of exhaustion on the god's face. He stood up, summoning his clothing with a snap of his fingers, getting into his routine of putting on his half-armor and his clothes. His weapons suitably stashed on all places he could stash on his body, Loki picked up the last knife he had on the table, idly running a finger over its sharp edge. The knife was one of the first which he had created, forged from his own hand and magic. It was also one of Odin's greatest disappointment when he found out about it. A bitter smile twisted his lips, but the god shook his head, tucking the dagger into his belt, the one which had saved his life, and the life of Thor many times over before.

Loki leaned against the table by his bed, waiting for Percy to be done. He cast a solemn glance around his room, an unknown feeling rising up within him. The sound of a doo groaning open had him tilt his head towards it, Percy emerging from the bathroom in full glory. The boy had dressed in his clothes with his armor over It, his silver sword in its scabbard at his side. Loki had no doubts that Anaklusmos was somewhere on the boy's person as well, just hidden in its other form. Percy cocked his head and grinned, "Well? How do I look?"

Loki let a hungry gleam enter his eye, watching Percy shiver minutely as he caught the look. The god stepped forward, a finger tilting Percy's chin upwards, "You look absolutely ravishing."

The boy blushed – something that made Loki grin internally – and smiled shyly up at him, leaning in for a kiss which Loki did not disappoint in serving. it was with great reluctance that Percy broke away, citing his training as the reason for leaving. Loki nodded, wanting to see how his lover's progress fared.

The two of them walked side by side down the hallways, not quite holding hands, but not quite apart either. Loki led Percy to the room where they were supposed to meet his mother, leading them both through a set of corridors until they reached a huge double door. Loki knocked twice on the doors and threw it open, gesturing for Percy to head in. The demigod looked around in awe. Having been exposed to Olympus, Atlantis, Mount Olympus and now Asgard, he had thought that he would stop being surprised at all. This room proved him wrong.

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