Chapter 13

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Percy rolled around on his bed, his eyes flickering rapidly underneath his eyelids. The sheets tangled around him as he moved, subconsciously attempting to get away from an unseen attacker. He woke with a gasp and jolted upright, panting, sweat dripping down his brow. He couldn't remember his dream, but he remembered the all consuming terror and blackness that surrounded him.

Percy rubbed his face tiredly, probably something related to Tartarus. He thought, throw in some chitauri shit too. He looked over at the digital clock on his bedside, the LED numbers glowing happily in the darkness. He groaned, falling back on the bed, how the hell is it only three in the morning? He grumbled to himself. Sighing, he got out of bed; there was no chance of him catching more sleep now, at least not after such a nightmare. Ruffling his hair sleepily, he padded into the bathroom, sighing as he did, at least it wasn't a dream.

He splashed water onto his face, the cold shocking him into awareness. Percy stared at the mirror, he never considered himself narcissistic, but he grimaced at his own reflection. He looked haggard, tired and withdrawn. He had lost some weight from being fed intravenously, but the man staring back at him seemed far older than his actual age. His eyes were ringed with bags, emphasizing the haunted look in them, the lines on his face becoming more pronounced than ever. In short, he looked like hell warmed over.

Percy snorted, the morbid thought sending him into near hysterical laughter as he doubled over, gripping the sides of the basin tightly. It wasn't that farfetched of a description, that hellish planet certainly fit into that category. But it still had nothing on Tartarus. Percy sighed, it seemed that his thoughts were to be on that pit tonight.

He walked out of his room, intending to head to the gym to let out some steam, but as he passed by Loki's room, he heard some weird noises. Pausing, he held his breath, listening closely even though his instincts were telling him to ignore whatever was going on in that room. He heard a shuffle, and crept closer, his face almost plastered against the door. He heard another shuffle, and muffled voices within the room. Stepping back in alarm, he raised a hand to knock, but hesitated, unsure if he should interfere with the god's issues.

He whispered, "JARVIS, what's happening in there?"

A beat of silence, then- scans indicate that Mr Odinson is suffering from a nightmare Mr Jackson. His heart rate is elevated; there is an increase in blood pressure and perspiration. Also, his movements indicate that he is currently still sleeping, but trapped in REM*.

Percy cursed, his hand hovering hesitantly over the doorknob. He didn't want to go in, at least, not while the god was asleep, but he couldn't in good conscience leave the god in the thresholds of a nightmare, he knew how much it sucked to have one, and if his assumption was right, then Loki was haunted by that hellish planet as well. He cursed under his breath and reached out and grasped the doorknob, rattling it vigorously, cursing under his breath, he instructed JARVIS to unlock the door.

He slammed the door open, vaguely wondering why the loud sound didn't wake the god, but that was soon forgotten as he saw the thrashing god on the bed.

He slid to the side of the bed, grasping the god's shoulders tightly, shaking him. "No," the god moaned, "Not them, never them."

Percy didn't have time to think about that, as the god arched up, his mouth open in a silent scream. He slapped the god, shouting in his ear, and shaking him vigorously, "Loki! Loki, wake up! It's just a dream!"

He did this for several more moments, until the god finally gasped. Percy breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that the god had woken up, and relaxed slightly.

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