Chapter 37

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Thor swallowed nervously as Perseus closed the door behind him, leaving him alone in the room with his brother. Loki stood fluidly, brushing off invisible dirt from his shirt, though there was not even a speck of dust visible on it, giving him a frosty look, "State what you are here for then leave."

Thor exhaled nervously, "I came here to thank you bro – Loki."

Loki narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing him as though trying to spot the lie in his sentence. "Now that you have done that, the door is right behind you." Loki said, moving to open the door.

The moment he brushed past Thor, the thunder god blurted out, "How did you do it?"

Loki's hand stilled on the door knob, "Do what?" He said tersely.

Thor hesitated, steeling himself for the outrage he knew was to come, "How did you break out of the chitauri's spell?"

"I didn't."

Thor frowned, "Loki please, stop playing games with me, tell me how you did it."

Loki's eyes flashed angrily, "And I am telling you, I did not break out of their spell." He said tightly.

"Loki –" Thor rumbled warningly.

Loki snarled and punched the door, stepping closer to Thor, looking more dangerous than the elder god had ever seen him, "You come to me for answers but you refuse to believe my words. You pick and choose what you wish to listen to, as you have always done! You hear what pleases you, and not the answer that you are no doubt searching for! I did not break out of their spell! The Greeks brought me out of their thrall, what more do you want me to say?"

"I – You led the army to the Greek's stronghold on purpose. Yet you claim to be under their spell!"

Thor cringed inwardly at the words that came out of his mouth, watching the younger god go rigid.

"Just because I was able to tuck away a small piece of my mind to preserve my sanity whilst committing acts of insanity for a being who is cruel, malicious and loves death as a person," Loki hissed, "Does not mean I escaped their spell."

Thor frowned, "I do not get it, how were you able to do so? Why was I unable to remove a part of my mind –"

"Oh so this is what this is about!" Loki shouted sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air, "Does it physically pain you, the great Thor Odinson, to be unable to break out of a simple mind thrall?"

"Do not twist my words Silvertongue!" Thor barked, bristling with anger.

Loki sneered, "Resorting to name calling now are we? How juvenile brother. But expected nonetheless."

"Why do you never give a straight answer Loki?" Thor demanded, crowding his brother against the wall.

Loki sneered and shoved him backwards, "A straight answer? Come now, that would be unbecoming of the one who holds the title of Silvertongue." He hissed. "I have given you your answers, but it is no fault of mine if you choose not to accept them!" He spread his arms wide open, "What more do you ask of me?"

Thor growled, "I want a straight answer as to why I was not able to break out of the thrall! I should have been able to, I was trained!"

Loki scoffed, "Trained? Trained? You think that what your precious Allfather put you through was considered training? Bah! He would not bear to subject his precious golden son to the horrors of a mind thrall. Training? That was to give you a touch of what it is like to face a sorcerer, to deter you from the seduction of the arts. You were never trained in the arts of seidr! How were you supposed to know how to shield your mind from external forces? How were you supposed to know how to sense another's presence in your mind? Those are the basics of defending your mind, and you do not even know them! How were you supposed to protect your mind if you didn't even know it was being invaded?" Loki shouted, panting heavily from his rant.

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