Chapter 42

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Percy levelled his blade at the king of the realms, the bronze surface of the three foot long sword gleaming under the light of the throne room. "What do you want from me?" he growled lowly, his back towards the door and his eyes locked onto the king's imposing figure even as his senses stretched out.

Odin descended slowly from his throne, taking the steps one at a time, his bronze and black armour clinking heavily against his chainmail, his heavy boots thudding loudly against the pristine floor. The king of Asgard held Gungnir in his right hand, the golden spear several inches taller than the king. His left hand remained half-curled at his side, both arms covered in the armour plates. Percy kept a wary eye on him, pressing his lips tightly together.

"You have no need to search the room," Odin intoned, fixing his lone intelligent grey eye on Percy's sea green ones, "There is no one else around save for the two of us."

Percy barked out a laugh, "Yeah well, forgive me if I don't trust the word of the person who locked me in here."

Odin came to a stop at the foot of the throne, the two of them separated by the huge expanse of the throne room. "I have reasons for what I do child. Whether you understand it or not... that is a different matter altogether." The king commented, condescension lacing his tone.

Percy sneered, "First of all, don't call me a child. Second, enough with the condescension, I've kicked god's asses for less than that. And third, I won't repeat myself, what the hell do you want from me?"

Odin narrowed his eyes, "You would be wise to be respectful, demigod."

Perseus grinned sharply, "I'll decide who I give my respect to, your majesty."

Odin narrowed his eye further, but didn't comment, instead, his gaze fell to Percy's right wrist, making the demigod grip his sword a little tighter. "For what reason did you acquire an Infinity Stone for?"

Percy gripped his sword tighter, hoping that the doors would hold until he found out what Odin wanted from him.

In hindsight, Loki probably shouldn't have let Percy leave the last. Knowing the demigod, trouble, even in the smallest form like tripping over his own feet would have surely found him. So when the doors slammed shut a hairs breadth after he exited, Loki whirled around almost immediately, slamming a hand full of power into the door.

He didn't expect the rebound that sent him flying into Thor.

He crashed into the sturdy thunder god, taking him by surprise, the both of them crashing to the ground in a loud heap. The avengers – minus Tony and Bruce – whipped out their weapons, falling into a defensive stance that came as easily as breathing. Loki paid them no attention and snarled, leaping to his feet. "Coward!" He hissed, darting towards the door, stopping short when Frigga blocked him.

"Loki, stop this, now." She said sternly.

Loki bared his teeth, something he would never have thought to have done to his mother, "He has locked Perseus in there, I will not stand for it!"

Frigga placed a hand on his arm, "Loki, Odin knows what he is doing, all he wants is to know how Perseus obtained a stone!"

Loki shrugged his mother off, glaring fiercely at her, "And to do that he chose a coward's way out? To hold him back like a prisoner? As though he were a criminal? To grab him when our backs were turned?" He snarled, his voice rising higher and higher with each accusation.

A resounding slap echoed the ought the hallways, abrupt silence falling on them. Loki's head turned to the side, his eyes wide. Frigga breathed heavily, her hand stretched in front of her.

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