Chapter 17

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Percy found Loki standing intimidatingly over Matthias, who had a look of pure terror on his face, shifting backwards to put some space between himself and the crazed god. Percy sighed, he was only several minutes behind the god, how in the world did this happen?

"Children," he drawled, getting their attention, "Stop playing, let's go."

As intended, his insult drew indignant scowls on both of their faces, but he just smirked, his eyes hard. He tilted his head, Loki, who was watching sneered once, then gestured for them to huddle closer to him. Matthias just remained on the floor, shaking his head.

"W-w-where are we going?" The shaking boy asked.

Loki just gave him a baleful look, while Percy gave Loki a warning glance. He turned to Matthias and softened his features, "We're going to meet the avengers. Now come on, let's not dally," he smirked at the god, "Otherwise someone might decide to leave us behind."

Loki, who heard the exchange, took it as his cue to stretch a hand out, the scowl on his face a clear sign of his annoyance at being delegated a messenger's job.

Percy shot a glare at him, you offered the ride, deal with it.

Loki glared back; I agreed to transport one, not two.

Percy rolled his eyes, it's not that much of a difference.

Loki scowled; I do not need to be tainted anymore by mortals.

Percy just turned his death glare on the trickster god, who huffed and barked at the third person in the destroyed room, "Hurry up mortal filth. You are wasting my time."

Matthias, who was looking between them confusedly during their silent conversation, jumped up and quickly scuttled over to the both of them. Percy grabbed Loki's hand, while Matthias grabbed onto Percy's, not wanting to have contact with the thoroughly annoyed god, which suited Loki just fine. Percy sighed; I'm dealing with a bunch of kids.

With a tug, the three of them disappeared from the tower.

The moment they reached the mansion, the avengers all swarmed them. With an ease that came with years of practice, Loki detached himself from the mob and headed back into his own room. He had no wish to mingle around with the mortals any longer than necessary. It was torturous enough to be in their presence. He wanted to take the opportunity, while the mortals had forgotten about his bonds, to examine them thoroughly. He knew he could not leave, but it did not mean that he could not take this opportunity to weaken his bonds. He didn't have the chance to do so earlier when everything went to hell.

Loki scowled, he also needed to meditate, it was unsettling, how the Other had managed to enter his mind so easily, and he needed to find out why and how. He lightly touched his ear, noting that there had been no lingering damage. He surmised that it must have been the close proximity of the blast that had rendered him temporarily deaf.

As he rounded the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks. His external features didn't waver, but he cursed inwardly. There was no chance of him being able to examine his bonds now.

He inclined his head, "And what can I do for my dear brother today?" he mocked.

Thor, who was leaning against the wall outside Loki's room, gave no indication that he was upset by Loki's customary greeting; instead, he just turned stormy blue eyes on his brother. Loki was immediately on guard, he knew how much his brother hated when he scorned him, and it was a personal game for Loki to see how fast his brother took to transit from passive to enraged. A game that never failed to bring Loki any certain amount amusement. Now, seeing his brother's lack of reaction made him wary. An impassively angry Thor was infinitely more dangerous than a raging one.

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