Chapter 22

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If anyone were to have flown overhead over the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of Malibu, California, they would have been puzzled at the appearance of a random piece of ice floating on the ocean. Scientists would probably have been called in to examine this extraordinary phenomenon, wondering how an icy platform could have been formed when the weather was nowhere near cold enough to freeze the water.

It was a good thing then, that people - or rather, mortals - didn't usually fly over this section of the ocean, and if they did, the Mist would come in handy in diverting their attention to something else.

That being said, if one such as say, Apollo, were to fly overhead, he would probably have seen two figures on said floating platform. One of which was his very own cousin. He would then probably laugh and try to snap pictures if he could to give to his brother and anyone who cared.

Percy stifled his sigh, tilting his head up to glare at the sun shining cheerily in his face. He scowled, he could almost picture Apollo laughing as he peered over his Maserati, seeing the mortal-turned-demigod with another guy. Percy blinked, looking down at the trickster god in his arms, a stray thought coming to the forefront of his mind, does Loki know Apollo? I mean, I know he knows Hermes but... the two of them are as close as you can get, so if he knew Hermes, he'd probably know Apollo as well right?

Percy shrugged, remaining where he was even though he felt like his legs were falling asleep. He didn't want the god to think that he did this because he pitied him or something. He truly did understand how it felt, even if it was comparatively short, and he could only imagine how it felt for the god, whose lifespan was so much longer than Percy's.

He felt the god shift slightly, but pretended that he didn't notice. He took his time just listening to the waves as they crashed against each other. He had spent so long away from the ocean that he'd actually forgotten how soothing the smell and the sounds were. He longed to dive into the depths of the ocean like he did last night, but he held back his urge, knowing that he would get the chance to do so later.

Loki shifted some more and pulled away from him, turning his head to the side in embarrassment. What am I doing? Sniffling into another's embrace like a child would to his mother? He scowled, annoyed that he had let such a lapse in judgment occur. He said stiffly, "I apologize for inconveniencing you. I will endeavor to refrain from committing such actions in the future."

He pulled away from Percy completely, not looking at him. Just as he had gathered his magic, Percy gripped his arm and pulled him back, turning him around to face him. "Say it to my face then." He challenged.

Loki's eyes widened, while Percy just tilted his chin up. He glared at the god, "Don't give me that bullshit Loki. There's no shame in crying, there's no shame in expressing your hurts. You've been hurt by people, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone has been hurt before." Percy released his grip on Loki's arm, placing his hand on the other's shoulder. "Look at me." He commanded, making the god lift red rimmed eyes to him.

Percy tried to convey his thoughts through his eyes, "We all have been hurt by people. It's the same with everyone else. There's no black and white in such things, you are hurt, maybe your," he hesitated here, "maybe even your brother has been hurt."

Loki growled and tried to pull away but Percy didn't let him go, "Listen!" he shouted, "It's a two sided thing! I agree, your brother hurt you, yes, but he's hurt too. You both need to talk it out, you need to sit down and have a proper conversation to clear the air. You need to listen to each other! Leaving it hanging like that, it's like waiting for all the misunderstandings in the world to happen simultaneously."

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