Chapter 44

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"Natasha Romanov, Black Widow."

"Bruce Banner, and uh, I don't really think that the name counts..."

"Nonsense!" Tony said, walking over to his designated science-buddy to sling an arm over his shoulder. "This guy," he said, pointing a finger at the bespectacled man, "is my favorite person in the world. After Pepper, and JARVIS. But, don't ever make him angry cause you don't wanna deal with the jolly green giant hiding in there." He finished, patting Bruce's chest for emphasis. The scientist shoved his friend away, embarrassed at the incredulous looks that he was getting from the three Asgardians in the room.

Steve sighed and pinched his nose, "Sorry about that, we don't normally deal with him so..."

Volstagg grinned and laughed, "I understand my friend! Why, we hardly want to deal with Fandral here either when he gets drunk on mead!"

Said warrior scowled and punched his friend in the arm, shoving him aside and taking over the conversation. "Please do pay no attention whatsoever to this mad man, clearly he is addled in the brain! Now come, you will want to see Asgard's magnificence!"

The blond swept his way out of the room, leading the avengers out of the room. Sif followed behind them sullenly, casting a dark scowl at the direction where the traitor to the realm had slunk off to.

Loki stormed down the hallways, any servants who passed by him quickly scuttled out of his path, too frightened by his aura to even process the fact that he should not have been there. His mind was blank save for the words that Sif had spat at him. He gritted his teeth, his strides getting longer and faster until he was nearly full-out running. His feet carried him deep into the bowels of the realm, treading on familiar ground as he descended into murky darkness. He twisted through the servant's path, walking for a long time before he emerged on the outside of the palace, near the back of the garden which his mother grew. He wound around the path and headed for the big tree he knew to be at the outskirts of the garden. With a smooth move, he hoisted himself up on the branches, drawing comfort from the shadows that wrapped around him.

The raven-haired trickster pressed his palms against his eyes. He willed himself to retreat back into his safe haven, closing off all emotions and feelings as he tried to settle his heart. It wasn't as if he hadn't heard such things before, it wasn't the first time either, since the mortals had been saying such things since he arrived on Midgard all those months ago. What Sif had implied though... He squeezed his eyes shut again, drawing a ragged breath as the images ad memories of Thanos' ugly visage plundered his mind.

Loki sighed, dragging his hand down his face tiredly, his eyes betraying his exhaustion. He was so tired of being the better man and not for the first time, he wondered if it was worth it to come back to Asgard. The leaves of his tree rustled, and a blond head popped up beside him, the person the head belonged to hoisting himself up and making himself comfortable on a neighboring branch.

Loki scowled, "If you move any more this tree is going to collapse."

Thor laughed, "Nonsense brother, this tree is millennia old, and as sturdy as a rock, it will not collapse under our weight. Unless," the elder god slid his eyes to Loki, smirking slyly, "You claim to be too heavy?"

Loki threw a bunch of leaves at him.

The younger god sighed and knocked his head back against the trunk of the tree. "How did you know I was here?"

Thor turned away, "You used to come here when we were younger." He said quietly, "Whenever Sif or the Warriors Three or anyone else made you upset, and mother was not around, you would come up here to hide."

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