21. Motel p1.

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*Aiyana's POV*
Suddenly Bobby blew the whistle again, getting my attention.
-"The two of you back in your seats! Jared, again, car sick? Every... how do you even get on the bus? Look at me. No, don't look at me! Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes... Keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you too," Bobby whined as he saw Scott lean on the window. Scott sat straight again, opening his eyes.

-"No, Coach, I'm good," Scott replied.
-"Hey, Scott, you're bleeding again, because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing, like at all,"
-"The both of them are listening," Scott said and Stiles looked at me, then Ethan.
-"Are they gonna do something?" Stiles asked.
-"Not in front of this many people," Scott replied. He's smart...

-"Okay, well, what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near them?"
-"No they won't. Not here," Scott mumbled. Why would Isaac and Boyd attack Ethan?
-"Okay, well, what if they do? Are you gonna stop them?" Stiles asked and Scott nodded. Like he's capable of doing this now.

-"There's a jackknifed tractor a few miles ahead. Could miss the meet," Isaac mumbled and looked over at me.
-"Seriously? Sucks," I muttered back.
-"Boyd?" Isaac mumbled as he didn't reply. He stared forwards, angry as well. His eyes changed, and I let out a sigh. He placed his hand on my seat, and he set his claws in it.

I placed my hand on his, tightening my grip.
-"Let go," Boyd snapped, looking at me.
-"You got a plan? Tell me your brilliant plan, and I'll let go," I said, looking at Isaac.

Boyd let out a low growl, trying to get up. Isaac dragged him back by his shirt, sighing.
-"Give Scott a chance to figure something out, something that we know won't end with someone else dying," I mumbled, letting go of his hand. Boyd nodded, retreating his claws.

I got up from my seat as Bobby looked, giving him a wink as I walked over to Ethan and Danny.
-"Something special happening here?" I asked, smiling to them as I sat down. Something got my attention, and it was Danny's phone. He gave me a sorry face as he reached for his phone. I reached a little bit over the seat, reading the message.

It was a message from Stiles. "Find out why Ethan keeps checking his phone."

I shot a quick look at Stiles, giving him a threatening face. Danny looked back as Stiles as well, shaking his head. He put his phone back in his pocket, sighing. Danny's phone chimed again, and Danny looked helplessly at me. He got his phone and looked at the message.

It was a new one from Stiles. "Just do it!"
'No' Danny wrote back. I smirked, giving the guy a thumbs up. The phone chimed again, and Stiles replied. "ASK HIM."

Danny turned around and Stiles almost threw his arms ten feet in the air.
'NO. I like this guy. What's wrong with you?' Danny sent back. The phone let out a new sound... "It's important. PLEASE."

Danny lightly shook his head and he stuffed the phone back in his pocket. It took less than half a minute before Danny's phone chimed repeatedly. I and Ethan both looked at each other, then over at poor Danny. The poor guy looked so uncomfortable.
-"Uh.. something wrong?" Ethan asked, and Danny looked down.

-"Actually, I was... wondering the same thing about you," Danny replied. Ethan immediately looked behind at Scott and Stiles, who immediately hid behind the seat in front of them. Ethan looked at me, giving me a worried face.
-"It's just, someone close to me is sick. He might not make it through the night," Ethan mumbled. I gave him a puzzled look. Who's hurt, or sick?

-"Jared, I'm warning you. I'm an empathetic vomiter. You throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting," Bobby said, standing beside the car sick child.
-"Please don't talk about throwing up. It's not good," the boy replied, sounding rather sick.
-"I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared," Bobby replied.
-"It's not good. It's not good," Jared mumbled.

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