7. Who?

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*Derek's POV*
I stared at her face, listening to her heartbeat. She truly has the beauty of mom. I wonder what Aiyana will look like with brown hair...
Her dog was just sitting beside her, staring at me.
-"Aiyana, i need you to wake up," I said in a gentle way, not to scare her to death. Her eyes slowly opened, and they landed on me.
-"What do you want, Derek?" She asked. For some reason she reimained calm.
-"I just wanted to see if you were okay. I just, sorry for Peter. He's kind of stressed these days, with a lot. I'm just, worried," I said and nervously scratched my neck.
-"I'm wondering, why do you get those feelings when you're around Argent?" I asked and crossed my arms.

*Aiyana's POV*
-"I don't think i follow. What do you mean by that?" I asked and narrowed my eyes. Damn, his leather jacket is just so cool...
-"You know what i mean. He is dangerous, and you know that. That whole family is sick, and if you, even any werewolf gets in a relationship with a hunter, you're becoming the hunted on your side. Our kind don't like that, you know. It's just an advice. If i was you, then i would've stayed with that weird teacher," Derek stated and crossed his arms. His staring made me feel pretty uncomfortable.
-"I don't care what others think, and why should i even care about Bobby?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

-"Sure, whatever you say. I just don't want you to lie to yourself. Both you and i know that this Bob guy have true feelings for you," Derek replied and raised his eyebrow as well.
-"How do you know that?" I asked, slightly confused.
-"Aiyana, think about your true age. I'm 23, you're 23. I don't even understand why you're faking to be 16 years. We're twins, and you should know that. Everything you feel, i feel," My 'twin' replied and tried to smile, however the smile did not fit him.

-"Then why have i never felt anything that you've felt?" I asked, pretty confused.
-"Because i'm older than you. I'm like, stronger in any possible way too. I'm just asking you Aiy, do you want to return back home with me?" Derek asked and stood up.
-"I'm sorry, Derek. I just can't, because my life is here," I whispered and let out a sigh. I could hear a car park outside, but whose car i didn't know.
-"Just remember to pick wise. I don't wanna get in trouble, neither do i want you to get in trouble. I don't want you to get hurt. Perhaps you can even help that teacher back on the right tracks. And he does fit with you," Derek said and walked to the back door. He left out and disappeared. I sat up and stood up, waiting for someone to walk through my front door.

I didn't need to wait long until someone just walked through it as if it was their own house. I stared at Chris and he stared back.
-"Did they leave?" I asked and walked towards him with small steps.
-"They left, yeah. Can i ask what you're doing, standing up like that?" Chris asked and crossed his arms.
-"Why do you have a gun on you?" I asked as i spotted it under his jacket. His face went from a smile to a pretty confused one.
-"Ah! I totally forgot you were one of them," Chris whispered.
-"Oh, so now it is 'them'?" I asked, feeling the slightliest bit offended by that.

-"It's not like that. You know what i mean, okay? And i didn't stay home all the time. I was talking with Sheriff Stilinski and Bobby. We figured out we would literally just forget about this whole school thing. It's a good idea do you ask me. Um Aiyana, are you feeling alright?" Chris asked and walked up to me. He probably noticed it on my facial expression that i was struggling with something..
-"I just need to relax for some time. Now that school's off i figured out that to relax helps a lot with problems. Not only do i wanna relax for that, but because i'm pretty lazy too," I said and walked towards the couch.

-"No need to sit down, Sweetheart. I'm going to pack some clothes for you, okay? Then you're staying with me for some days. I'm imagining we'll be all alone this weekend. Whatever. I'll return as fast as i can," Chris said and disappeared up the stairs.
I turned around yet again as i walked over to my door. I'll need to do something for myself at least. I can't just sit down and wait for this poor guy to carry me... nor do i need to be lifted.
-"Aiyana, perhaps you should let me help you?" Chris asked as an offer as he walked down the stairs.
-"Do i look that helpless? I have my own feet," I snapped back. I sounded a little rude there, but.. it's bothering me so much that Derek told me i am 23... What if he tells that to someone else? And how does he know about Bobby? I am fogging my mind up, a lot as well.

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