14. Back To The Past

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Thanks a lot guys for 300 reads :D

*Aiyana's POV*
I stepped out of the car, looking around. It's exactly as I remember it. I walked up the path to the house, looking for anything new. I got a flashback of the house in its old days. It's always been taken care of, now it was faded colors, rust and broken windows.

I looked up, spotting my room window. It was broken some places, and my white curtains were hanging out of it. I inhaled a deep breath, stepping towards the door. I tried to open it, but it was locked, or just stuck with time. I turned myself slighty, using my wolfs power and pushed the door open.
It opened without problems, and I stared at the living room. Some of the furniture was still standing, others were gone. I let out a sigh, looking at the bookshelf. His books still stood there, untouched.

-"Long time no see, Jacob," I whispered, taking it all in. Hopefully I wouldn't disturb him, just walking into the house. I headed for the stairs, slowly walking up. They were squeaking, making painful whiny noises. Once I got sight of the corridor upstairs, I froze. His door was right there. It was the door to Jacob's room, the room he last slept in. I slowly hugged myself, walking towards my room.

I hesitated a second before grabbing the handle, turning it. I walked into my room, looking around. Nothing was touched, just destroyed by age and bad weather. I walked to the one window that hadn't been destroyed, staring at my picture standing there. I giggled a little, staring at it. It was such a long time ago...
It was me sitting on my "fathers" lap, smiling. I remember back then, it was the second day I was with him. I let out a sigh, my smile turning into a frown.

I put the picture into my pocket, walking to my bed. I sat down, opening my nightstand drawer. I picked up my dairy, finding a random page...
"Dear Dairy.
Today is a total of one week since i left the center. My wounds and bruises are finally able to heal. There's nothing I'll ever need to worry about! The bad man Bob is gone, and never will he lay his hands on me again. I'm free, finally able to bloom."

I sighed, closing the dairy. I put it under my arm, walking out of my room. As I walked past his room, I stopped. I want to go in and see, but at the same time I did not. I clenched my fists, walking up to the door.
-"I do apologize, Jacob, for the sin I'm about to do. Please, I would like 1 photo album. It would help me remember," I said out to no one, opening the door. I walked to the book shelf he had, grabbing a random album. In less than seconds, I closed the door again.
-"Sorry, father," I whispered, walking downstairs.

Jacob was a religious man, but nice. I can't say I was, but we eventually made it work with some rules. I walked out of the house, jogging to my car. I got inside, driving away to the no-man's-land I could remember. I stopped the car, grabbing the photo album. I quickly looked through most of the pictures, and it indeed was painful. Just now I realized how much I really miss this man. It was also cool, seeing how I've grown from then.

As I got to the last page, a small note laid there, waiting for me. I picked it up, placing the album back in the passenger seat. I smiled at the note, seeing his writing again. It's been so long... It's so hard to be back.
-"Let's see what you've got for me," I whispered, staring at the note. I opened it, looking down with a pretty puzzled look. It was a drawing, not any big guidance. Two wings and a rock? It was butterfly wings... wait!

I closed my eyes, thinking all the way back to that day. We weren't far away from the cabin, out on a normal walk through the desert. He was always able to do things, things I only dreamt about back then. As we walked in the desert, I came across a lot of weird rocks. One of them thought, was a rock with butterfly-looking wings. It took my attention, and I begged Jacob to allow me to bring it home. However, he did not let me.

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