3. The Argent's

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Okay this is Aiya's car. A 1973 Ford Torino.

*Aiyana's POV*

-"It is really nice of you Chris, but as i said it wasn't exactly necesarry. Well, i do still appreciate it," I said again, probably for the 100th time.
-"No worries, okay? Allison, did you say Scott was coming over too tonight?" Chris asked and looked at his daughter for a second.
-"Yeah, he is," Allison replied and walked over to the black Toyota.
-"I'll see you tonight Stiles!" I said and waved Stiles a bye.
-"Remember the curfew!" Stiles shouted after me as i walked away. Curfew... who cares? I certainly do not.
-"So, how old are you Mr. Argent?" I asked as we both walked towards his car.
-"Me? A little too old. 42," Chris replied and quickly looked over at me.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks and butterflies appeares in my stomach. But why? No.. he have a wife, a child and what not... this can't be real.

-"Hey, you alright? It seemed like you drifted away for some seconds. Something special on your mind?" Chris asked and playfully hit my shoulder.
-"Do you have a wife? Like, there's so many people in this place that lives alone," I explained and stared at the ground, hiding my blush.
-"No i don't. It's a long story, but she commited suicide," Chris replied and let out a small sigh afterwards.
-"Sorry," I whispered and looked up at the guy.
-"I'll sit in the passenger seat!" Allison shouted out and jumped in. I suppose i'll be sitting all alone in the back of the car then...

I jumped in behind and got comfortable as the others did the same. Chris started the car and drove away from the school.
-"Tell me Aiyana, why did you move to Beacon Hills? This is no place for a 16 years old girl. There are dangerous people living here," Chris said and looked at me though the mirror.
-"You see, i wanted a new start for myself. I hoped there would only be new people here, but i met an old friend, Bobby. Sadly i got him as my teacher," I replied and let out a smile.
-"Oh, Bobby yeah. That guy is strange and weird. Tell me a little bit about yourself," Chris said and raised an eyebrow, still looking at me every now and then.

-"I'm Aiyana Farkas, however that is not my true last name. It is not known, and i am told to be the last one of my family. That i doubt, but i don't know. I lived some years on this adoption center outside California. That was where mine and Bobby's paths met. He worked there for a total of 4 to 5 years, and he did some stuff towards me. One day a rich man walked into that center, and he showed interest in me. He adopted me and he was rich, and loving. Sadly he died by cancer. I got his money, his car and he gave me Baron because he was afraid that i would feel alone. Then i felt i needed to move to a new place. I searched around for quite some time, until i just suddenly felt drawn towards this place," I said and remember back to the past.

-"Tell me what Bobby actually did towards you, and no lies," Chris said and focused only on the road.
-"It started simply with some abuse and then it moved on to him raping me. I never told anyone about it, because he threatened to kill me. I know it wasn't the Bobby Bob that did it towards me, but all the alcohol he drank. I've moved on and forgotten about that time," I replied and stared at my hands. It wasn't anything i enjoyed to speak about, but perhaps it will make Chris more interested in me. I wonder why i simply got these feelings for Chris... I barely know anything about him! It's probably something ramdom that will end in a couple of days. But what if it doesn't, and he suddenly starts feeling the same back? Or not at all maybe...

-"You sounds interesting Aiyana. Since we have invited Scott to eat dinner here tonight, we should invite you too. Or what Allison, what do you think?" Chris asked and playfully hit Allison in her shoulder.
-"Sure. I guess it will finally be full house now then," Allison replied and shot a quick look towards me.
-"I guess that's all right as long as i don't bother anyone. So, um, what do you do for a living?" I asked just to keep the conversation up and alive.
-"I hunt," Chris replied.
-"Hunt what?" I asked and narrowed my eyebrows.
-"Animals that shouldn't be here. You know, mostly moose and that stuff," Chris said and let out a small sigh.

The Forgotten Hale | Teen Wolf / Chris ArgentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora