Suicide Squad: I Need a Gangsta ->to love me better<-

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Yoongi slowly backed away from them, and he shook his head softly before gently sitting on the ground. He brought his legs to his chest and rested his chin on his knees while staring at the ground.

Hoseok looked away from the criminals, "Why does it matter what she has on us—what matters is that we're all trapped." his voice trailed off. Then he exhaled deeply and looked at Seokjin for a moment. Seokjin appeared frail, his weakness apparent in his visage, so Hoseok nodded softly, "I don't know what I am." His voice appeared broken as he started, "I'm..." his voice trailed off. "I know the media calls me some sort of vampire and honestly that's the best way to describe me." He looked at the criminals—and they all looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Hoseok took a deep breath, "But I'm also a cross animal. I'm a predator." He cleared his throat. "As a child I was experimented on. For what?" he shrugged, "I'll never know." His eyes were solemn as he stared in front of him. "I can't remember much of what they did to me, but I remember the pain. I remember the screaming. Then this unbearable thirst and was insatiable."

Hoseok shook his head while pausing for a moment, "I was an orphan—that much I know." He shrugged. "I was trapped in darkness for a few years and then they just...." He glared at the ground, "They just let me go. I'm sure they wanted me to wreak havoc." He looked at Seokjin. "Then a woman found me." He cracked a smile as tears welled into his eyes, "She was the only person that was kind to me as a child." He nodded. "She took me in, and took care of me as best as she could, but I'm a predator. Everyone treated me as such, and I slowly accepted who I am. I couldn't help myself. When people started to attack her for being kind to me...the predatorial side of me won. I gave in to the hunger...and the thirst."

Taehyung took a deep breath while staring at him, "You ate them." It wasn't a question; it was a realization.

Hoseok nodded with a slight smirk, "I tore them apart. All of them. And when she saw what I had done..." His voice trailed off as he clenched his hands into fists, "I could see it in her eyes—the disappointment. I couldn't stand the way she looked at me, so I left. I haven't seen her for years, but I'm sure Hyuna found her." He shrugged as he looked at the criminals, "I've never forgotten her." His voice trailed off.

Yoongi's eyes were solemn as he stared at the ground, and he inhaled slowly.

The rest of the criminals were quiet for a moment until Seokjin couldn't hold himself back any longer. Seokjin stood up, anger apparent in his expression while he glared at Hoseok and then at Namjoon and Taehyung, "This is bullshit. You all have someone...even you." He looked at Taehyung, and half glared at him as he fought back tears, "You all have someone that cares about you—but I..." he shook his head, "I lost everyone I've ever cared about. I have no one. The only thing I had was this god damn curse." He lifted his hand and stared at his palm with solemn eyes. A dim light appeared, but disappeared when Seokjin closed his hand.

Namjoon looked at him and asked in a low voice, "How did you lose them?"

Seokjin remained quiet for a few seconds, so Hoseok shook his head, "You don't have to tell us..." Taehyung nodded in agreement.

Seokjin squeezed his eyes shut while shaking his head, "What does it matter anyway. We were meant to fail. This mission—this fucking mission...we weren't meant to make it out alive, you know that right? They put a fucking bomb inside of our necks, and you really think they won't detonate it as soon as they get what they want?" he looked at them, "I was born with this curse..." he shrugged. "I refused to use it at first and with the lack of control, it was like it had a mind of its own. The fire begged to be released..." his voice trailed off, and he looked up at the sky.

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