Mad Love: Fate

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A/N: Hey loves! This note is four years later from the story being completed (Confusing, I know >.<) Anyway, to any NEW readers, welcome! You may ignore this note if you would like. To any readers that have continued to come back even after reading the complete fic (I could cry) I am seriously so touched and amazed that you continue to support me. I am so sorry it has taken me this long, but I have FINALLY added the rest of the fic. Initially, I wanted this story to only be available through youtube, and have the smut written out on here (and AO3) which just sounds so confusing, idk what I was thinking lmao. So if you're back again, welcome back and I hope you enjoy the completed version of Mad Love on here. (if you didn't read the youtube video version ofc) love you, sinners. I hope you're all staying safe <3

Jeon Jungkook—also known as the Joker—also, also known as the Clown Prince (or King) of Gotham city was an intelligent, deadly villain. He always managed to get away every time, but on one day, he was at last captured by Batman.

He was restrained; his wrists cuffed together while Batman pushed him against the batmobile with all his weight. "Not really into this, Bats." He teased with a wicked grin, but his smile faded a bit when Commissioner Jimin arrived and instantly took him to Arkham Asylum.

Kim Taehyung, a young psychiatrist with a promising future, lived with Jimin. They had been best friends for years now, and when the young psychiatrist found out about Jungkook's capture, he eagerly inquired, "What did he look like up close?! Did he say anything to you?" He gasped as he envisioned the Joker making a smart comment to his best friend, but his smile faded lightly. They were in their apartment, and Jimin sighed tiredly before answering.

"He just laughed—fucking creep." He grimaced at the horrid memory of their drive to Arkham asylum.

Taehyung's eyes widened in complete fascination and he was proud of his best friend and what he had accomplished. Many must be praising Jimin for having captured the clown prince. "I hope I get assigned to evaluate him—can you imagine it, ChimChim?!" He squealed in utter excitement as he fell against their couch and kicked his legs at the thought. This could alter his career. "If I can help him, this would be a huge break for my career."

Jimin didn't share his best friend's enthusiasm and he immediately shook his head, "Tae—No! I don't want you anywhere near that creep. He's fucking crazy! He would try to hurt you and I can't—" He would have continued—hell, he would have begged his best friend to stay away from that manipulator, but Taehyung approached him with a gentle smile that touched his brown eyes.

Taehyung patted his shoulder, delicately, "Relax, Chim. You know I deal with plenty crazy. That's just my job." He shrugged to show him how unbothered he was at the thought of having to deal with Jungkook's craziness, but Jimin wasn't convinced.

Jimin shook his head as he whispered, "Tae—you don't understand. This guy is manipulative—he always gets what he wants. He's fucking insane..." He bit his lips together and closed his eyes when Taehyung pressed their foreheads together.

"I know how to take care of myself. You have nothing to worry about." He vowed with a gentle smile but there was a feeling Jimin couldn't shake. He feared for his best friend, but he could only hope that Taehyung wouldn't go near the Joker. He could only hope that there was someone else that would have to deal with him, so Taehyung would never have to listen to his lies. Jimin really hoped, but the uneasiness kept him up that night.

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