" Ok I'm going to the pool now so stop staring at me" I walked toward the door and had my hand on the doorknob when he called my name. I turned around and he was face to face with me. He was staring into my eyes.

" How did you know I had a pool?"

Oh crap. I had completely forgotten to tell him.

"I just got an image of my head when I was thinking of how nice swimming would be and then I remembered there was one here" I saw his face crumble in front of me and I suddenly felt really bad. I could see he had hoped I had remembered something about him. When I didn't keep walking he walked past me. I grabbed his arm and stopped him. I didn't know what I was doing right now but guilt was literally killing me I couldn't handle and I couldn't enjoy my swim worrying about the vampire the whole time.

" Wanna come swimming?" He brightened at that but only a little. He nodded and I walked ahead of him. He stayed next to me then slowly put his hand into mine. When our fingers touched I felt burnt I quickly pulled my hand back and looked at my finger but nothing was there. I looked up at him and he was looking at me strange. 

" I'm sorry but I'm still not comfortable with that kind of thing" He pursed his lips then nodded and we continued on walking. We eventually made it too the pool and it looked glorious. I dipped my foot in and it was the perfect temperature. The sun was out and I turned to the vampire and gasped but he wasn't burning. 

" How aren't you burning?" He laughed.

" Do you believe everything you hear? I'm sensitive to the sun like for instance my eyes are killing me right now but no I don't burst into flames" I nodded then started shaking my shorts off and my top. I jumped in without hesitation. The water was warm and it felt amazing. It felt like a big bath. I floated and I swam and just enjoyed the sun. Rohan went to sit under the shade near the corner of the pool. Before I knew it the sky had started to darken and the pool lights came on. It looked even more beautiful. I was floating when a big splash of water landed right on my face and I stood up in the water sputtering. I looked around for the cause when I was dragged under water. I had half a second to scream before I was submerged. Of course I freaked and kicked whatever dragged me under. I came back up for air and so did the vampire. I splashed him.

" Are you trying to kill me?" His face had been joking but then turned serious.

" I'm sorry" I was rubbing my eyes when I got an idea. He went to come forward and I jumped on him pushing him under water. He pulled me down with him. We wrestled in the water for half an hour when I noticed it was the first time I had laughed this hard in a long time. I was still scared of him and didn't trust him as far as I could throw him but I found myself sinking into a sort of relaxtion with him. When I had run out of air and couldn't breath anymore we stopped. I was rubbing my eyes clean of water when I felt something touch me softly. I opened my eyes and Rohan was right in front of me pulling me closer to him by my hips. I couldn't move or speak or even breath my body didn't want to cooperate with my brain or was it my heart? Did my heart remember Rohan and the apparent feelings I had for him was it fighting for me to feel those things for him again. He pressed his lips against mine really softly and when I didn't move he kissed me harder. He pulled me in tighter against him. I could hear thunder clouds coming and of out no where rain started pelting down on us and as the cold drops sunk into my skin I woke up from the dream like state I was in right now and I started freaking out.

" I can't do this Rohan I-I-I just don't know what's going on and its really hard to figure out I was still in his arms and I started to pull out his arms contsricted around me tighter trying to keep me there.

" No Crystal no please what do you want me to say? What do you want to me do? I'll do anything please don't leave me again please, please, please!" He was begging with me and I dropped my head I couldn't look at those beautiful eyes filled with sorrow. Tears were already welling up in my eyes and if I kept looking at him they would flow wildly.

" I'm sorry Rohan" I pulled out of his arms and he finally let go I made my way to the edge of the pool and hoisted myself up and out I didn't grab a towel or my clothes because they were soaked and I couldn't stay anymore I couldn't keep the tears in anymore and as I ran they spilled out. I kept running all the way up to my room and collapsed at the door not even making it too the bed. I was a big huge pile of sobbing tears. I couldn't stop my body ached for something but I didn't know what or maybe I did. I couldn't admit it to myself but my body was doing a pretty good job of admitting it too me. I loved Rohan. Deep down my body and heart remembered him but my brain couldn't even remember meeting him. I felt like I was being torn apart from the inside. I loved Rohan but I couldn't tell him because he would expect us to be together and I can't be with a vampire that I hardly know. Right now I was pretty sure I was in the worst relationship problem in the whole entire history of the world. I just needed some help some desperate help and the only person I knew that apparently knew how I had met Rohan and what had happened since I had. I was going to see Alec. 

Love and Traitors (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now