Sniper nodded.

Scout groaned. "C'mon Snipes, that ain't fair, you know I can't snipe people, i'm a close-range kinda guy,"

"That's why i'm gonna teach you. Besides, it's a good skill to have." He said.

"Well, yeah, I guess, but it's pointless cause you're the Sniper, so you'll always be there to snipe people and have our backs," Scout explained.

Sniper smiled, and gave Scout a peck on the cheek. "I'll always have your back,"

Scout flushed, averting his eyes.

Sniper walked forwards, opening the door. "I can see you blushing," He commented.

Scout grunted. "Shaddup," He said, following Sniper inside.

Sniper flicked the lights on, and the room light up brightly. It was both modern and old fashioned at the same time. It had an upper level that looked like a loft you'd find in a barn, but the shooting range had high-tech looking equipment. Most of it didn't appear to be in use, however. There were dummies all hung up in a row on the other side of the room, that Scout assumed he'd be aiming at.

They walked up the stairs, to the upper level. Sniper set his gun down, and cleared off a storage crate he and Scout could use as a chair. He sat down at patted the space in front of himself. Scout rolled his eyes and sat down. He was in very close proximity to Sniper, who was now silently loading the gun.

He handed it to Scout, who careful took hold of it. It was much bigger and heavier than what he was used to, but manageable. He hoisted it against the railing so he wouldn't have to hold it with his shaky hands.

"Alright, now, it's fairly self explanatory, you just look down the scope, aim the crosshairs at your target, and pull the trigger," Sniper said.

Scout nodded. "Mkay, I got this," He said.

Scout fired off the gun. He hit the target, just not in the head, like he was aiming for. More in the lung area.

Sniper still cheered him on. "Good job, good job," He reassured, placing another quick kiss on Scout's cheek. Sniper wrapped his arms around Scout's body, pulling him in closer.

He flushed again, pulling the gun up to his face and looking down the scope. As Scout lined up the target with the crosshairs, he suddenly became hyper aware of Sniper's body pressing up against his.

Sniper's body pressing up against his.

Scout took a breath to clear his mind. Though he was still more focused on Sniper than the target now. He could feel Sniper's breath again his neck, and his arms around his mid-section.

Scout felt something kinda tight and–

Oh god.

Scout's face burned red, and he now tried to focus very, very hard, on the target, and not Sniper. Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck.

Scout finally took the shot, it was about as good as before, just about in the lung area.

"It's hard, huh?" Sniper asked.

"What?" Scout asked, horrified.

"Hitting the targets head, it's difficult?" Sniper asked, giving him a questioning look.

Scout shook his head. "Oh, uh, yeah, it's, hard," He stuttered.

Sniper took the gun to reload it for him, and Scout took another breath to dissipate his problem. And to his luck it finally went away.

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