Avalon Ch.26

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Days passed by that she spent depressed in her room.

Torri immediately scolded her for not eating her food, so she flushed it down the toilet when she left.

Some days she had mustered up the courage to approach Zethan--but he never gave her more than a glance before he strode away.

But one morning, as she sat up and stared down at the sheets of the bed, she felt a growth within her chest. It irked her, but stopped her tears from falling.

She just stared blankly, her brow furrowed, her shoulders tense.

She sighed, but it came with no relief.

Getting up and not bothering to dress into her clothes, she walked out of the room in her white pajamas.

She walked over to the kitchen, where she threw together a sandwhich and took two bites into it before she threw it away.

Walking back, she saw something in the corner of her eye, and she turned up to see Zethan.

He met her eyes, turning away and his face twisting in anger.

It struck her like an knife in her chest.

"What!?" She cried. "What made you so mad!?"

He strode away, and she found herself following.

"----Whatever it was--I'm sorry!! I'm sorry Zethan!! I'm so----"

"----SHUT THE FUCK UP." He spat, spinning around and glowering at her.

A wry, twisted grin spread on his lips.

"--Do you honestly think I'll fall for this again!?" He hissed.

She paused, her eyes searching his.

"W-What? Fall for what??"

He angrily smacked his lips, striding up to her and gripping her shirt---jerking her up off the ground as she tensed.

"Don't play dumb with me. Did you think I'd forget forever? That with a simple look and laugh---that made it all better??"

Her eyes went panicked as they teared up. How it twisted her heart to see his eyes filled with such hatred!

"--I-I don't know what you're talking about---"


"I don't!!" She cried.

His hands gripped her neck as her eyes widened at how his teared up with lava.

"What you did to Avalon, to your mother---to Omena!!!" He yelled in fury. "You killed them!! You tortured them to death---you drained their volt till they shriveled like dead flowers!!!!"

He watched her eyes blacken into holes.

"You killed my only family---you killed the love of my life---you corrupted my home-----and you appear at last! I planned to kill you---but you manipulated me. You swayed me to actually root for you---you made my murderous arms your bed---and I fell for it."

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