The Dragon, Lion, Wolf...and Rabbit ch.19

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The darkness enveloped the house, quiet drifting about the still air. Zethan trudged sleepily into the restroom, shivering at the cold temperature of the tile. His eyes were caught by his reflection.

He leaned over the counter, turning to the side. He ruffled his red curly hair, feeling at the spot behind his head. It was strange not to feel his tail there, and in its place hair.

He looked like a different person.

In the room, her eyes shot open, pulling herself up and breathing hard.

Her heart raced in her chest, her body shaking. She held in her sobs, holding her lips shut tight. She frantically searched the room, looking for Zethan, or Nel, or Myster. Anybody.

She threw her blanket off and shot up to her feet, hurrying to the door. She grasped it hard in her hand--when she felt a hand take her shoulder. She turned, expecting to see Zethan---but she flew back onto the door, gasping.

The Prince sat before her.

He stared at her with his blue vein-edged eyes. His gloved elegant hand covered her mouth, the other gripping the hair on the back of her neck.

"If you don't want to get hurt you won't scream. What did you see?" He asked, his voice icy.

He slowly uncovered her mouth, but she had lost her voice.

The Prince stared at her for a second, sighing. He turned away, thinking for a moment.

She quickly started to drag herself away---but his hand gripped her by the neck and pinned her to the ground.

He grinned, watching Cyan's eyes grow and blacken in their fear. His wry sneer gave Cyan chills as she started to choke under his hands.

"This brings back memories, doesn't it?"

He tightened his grip, laughing low.

"Do you remember? How your little life just revolved around this place?" He snickered. "Did you think you were any different now?"

He enjoyed watching her tears swell at her eyes.

"No, but you are different now, aren't you? You actually have some type of idea as to what you've done...however meager it might be." He raised a brow as her tears streamed down her cheeks. "How wonderful your face looks like this...perhaps..."

His claws stabbed his skin, his blood starting to drip down his palm. Cyan froze in fear as his hand pulled her shirt up. She was about to scream when he brought his sword up and dug the point up into her chin. She kept still and quiet in terror.

"It's alright. You want to help the princess too, don't you?"

Cyan met his eyes, that were wide with excitement.

"That Scorpion--he won't let you help her because his pessimistic attitude doesn't believe we can bring her back---but we can. With you. After all," He smiled, his face twisting. "you're the one who killed her."

He yanked a couple of hairs from her head, placing his hand upon her chest---Cyan flinched in agony. She screamed loud---writhing and thrashing as the blood singed at her skin. It stabbed like needles relentlessly digging into her skin till it hit her bone.

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