A Heart to Thud in Weakness ch.2

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The storm had drifted away, leaving a cool and crisp air that lingered close to the ground. A bird, with bright pink dragon wings and curling feathers landed before its eggs. The eggs were the usual shape, but glowed pink and blue. The mother bird peered downward at the man as he scooped water into the buckets.

He brought both buckets up, walking back to the cave. The cave was a collection of rocks and boulders tangled together by the black curly roots. It was supported by small crudely constructed wooden structures, but was sturdy.
He crouched inside his cave, setting the buckets down in the corner and glancing over to the girl.

She was paler and smaller than he had expected. She seemed like she would break if he even picked her up. When he had brought her into his cave he could hardly feel her weight.

The disgust grew with every glimpse of her frailness.

He thought of his plan once more, as if he hadn't already thought of every detail. This was a surprise, but nothing changed, he thought.

She shifted on the hay bed, her face sweating and her breathing labored. He sighed then, taking his dagger from the sheath tied around his thigh, and carefully bringing her thigh up. The barbed wire had dug into her skin, sticking fast and causing a major loss of blood.

A small snap sounded as he cut the first wire.

He felt her body flinch, and glanced up to find her black teary eyes wide open. She stared down at her thigh, choking in fear as she struggled. He glowered up at her.

"Stop fucking moving before I cut your leg off." He growled.

She turned away, glancing at her wrists which he had tied up to a nearby boulder. Surprisingly, she obeyed.

She whimpered with every cut, crying out in pain sometimes, but she held herself still. Although this was beneficial to him, he grew all the more irritated.

In one brash movement, he clutched one end of the wire, and tore it off. Her fragile skin tore with it, her body lurching in agony. She screamed as it bled, writhing underneath him. At that scream a small pang hit his chest as he hurriedly wrapped her wound.

"There" He said, pinning the bandage securely. "You're okay."

He glanced back up to find that she had passed out. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, angry at himself for feeling hurt at her pain.


Cyan woke when it was dark. She hurriedly sat up, flinching as the wound stretched. She looked around the darkness, finding herself in the same cave as before. This time she was alone.

All around her small glowing mushrooms illuminated the area.

Where am I? This can't be real....I...I need to escape. That guy is going to come back. I...I need to find a way back home.

For just a moment, she hesitated. She thought of the attractive guy which had bandaged her up. She thought of the strange feeling of familiarity of this place. She thought of her dark, lonely room, where the prince would surely never quit haunting her.

Cyan in AvalonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora