The Silver Beast ch.22

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He woke with a start, sitting up and his hands desperately searching for Cyan.

He was sleeping on a small, thin and dingy mattress pressed up against the corner of the gray cement room. It was just a cube of cement with a small lightbulb in the center and steel bars making up the last wall. Up ahead he couldn't see much other than the black of dark and specks of dust that glowed before the few rays of light. There was complete silence, every movement from him echoing across the walls till it dissapeared from notice.

He ran up to the bars, shaking them violently in anger.

"Hey!!! You fucking asses---where is she!!? Give her back!! Give her back!!!"

He yelled and screamed, kicking at the bars and causing their loud clangs to reverberate through the dungeon.

It wasn't long from when he started his ruckus till there was the sounds of footsteps approaching.

He met with Nel's yellow-green irises. Though his face and arms were mostly covered by bandages, he still recognized him easily. It was only then when Zethan looked down at his body and realized he was wrapped in the bandages all across his arms, legs, torso, neck, and some of his face.

"She really messed us up, didn't she?" Nel said, smiling with gloomy eyes.

"---Where the fuck is she?? Take me to her---or bring her here---just let me see her Nel."

Nel crossed his arms, the keys jingling in his palm as he stared at Zethan with a furrowed brow.

Zethan paused, standing straight and frowning at Nel.

"...what?---Nel, let me out. Now."

Nel sighed.

"You are Cyan's Signum, aren't you?"

Zethan's eyes locked upon his, glowering at him defensively as he tensed.

"You're her Signum, how the hell did you not take notice--"

"---I've already been scolded by her father, alright!" He hissed. "He threatened to kill me if I let her get to that point again---but as if I could find out something she so stubbornly hides! You should know---when she doesn't want you to see something---you won't see it! Nobody will!"

"--But if anybody would be able to, it would be you."

Zethan grinded his teeth in anger, turning away as frustration clutched at his neck.

Nel's yellow-green eyes bore into his red furious face, watching and considering him steadily. His deep voice echoed in the dungeon.

"You have no grasp on her."

Zethan turned up to him.

"...and I don't mean that in a controlling way."

Zethan felt a lump grow in his throat. Beguiled by it, he wondered why he was hurting at the thought that he didn't know a thing about the girl.

"You know that none of us have even a pinch."

"That's no excuse for you."

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