Strange Place Called "Avalon" ch.4

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Nel became furious at the sight of Cyan, curled up with teary eyes and whimpering in Zethan's arms. He approached casually, as if the distressed girl wasn't in need of comforting.

"Hey! You fucking brute! What the hell did you do to her this time!?"

"Nothing she didn't cause herself." -He paused for a moment, bitterly smiling--"well that goes for just about anything, doesn't it?"

Zethan walked to the cave and pushed Cyan inside, to which she crawled into. She cried and sobbed, holding her head between her hands and squeezing herself closer to the rocky wall.

Nel stared at the guy. He wasn't very much larger than Nel, if not by just a bit. He glowered up at him as he lifted chopped logs from a stack and brought out a makeshift ax.

"Who are you anyway?" Nel called up to the guy. "And where is this strange place?" He demanded to know.

Zethan glanced back at the angry guy, turning back to chopping the firewood.

"I'm Zethan. Nothing more, nothing less. And this 'strange place' is called Avalon." Zethan swung his ax down upon the wood, the block splitting.

"And I suggest you keep your opinion of my home to yourself." His fiery amber eyes sent a chill down Nel's spine. "After all, you're in my land now."

Nel returned the glare, and Cyan listened to the name.

Avalon, she repeated in her mind. Such a beautiful name.

She couldn't have named it anything better.

"And what of you?" She heard Zethan call to the guy who had chased her.

Zethan stepped closer to the guy, his orange eyes angry and piercing.

"I don't even know your name, not that I care to know it, but you..."

Zethan glowered harsher, Nel struggling to keep his glare.

"You were trying to capture Cyan."

Cyan sat up.

Zethan stepped closer to Nel, clenching the ax in his hand.

"And you nag of how I made Cyan cry, when you did the same. We both chased her down, though only I succeeded. But you see..."

Zethan crouched before him. Nel inched back from those dangerous eyes.

" know this place? This 'strange place' as you put it? That's what brings her smiles and what caused her to dance around like some crazy person."

Cyan's face burned. She clutched the hay beneath her, her wide black eyes gawking at the wall.

He was following me!

Her trembling hands cupped her face as it grew hotter and hotter.

And when I touched his tail! He was awake!

"So I don't think you have the right to complain about how I treat her."

Zethan turned back, walking back towards the cave. He swung the ax over his shoulder, retreating

Cyan in AvalonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora