Chapter 7 - Heaven Devouring!(Part 1)

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The noon of the second day arrived quickly and Alaister was running around the academy while sweating and trembling all over.

"Where is that damn hag!?!?" He was really scared now because he could feel the small little seed inside of him starting to crack and cold energy was starting to spill out of it enveloping his body. He then saw a middle-aged man with a huge physique walking by and quickly asked him for directions.

He was lucky because that man was also a teacher here. When the man heard his question he smiled strangely and then asked:

"Are you perhaps one of her new students?"

"Yes, I am!" responded Alaister, his tone revealing urgency.

"Ugh, this poor little fellow..." sighed the man."You need to pass by the training grounds towards the library and then go left on the...."he then explained the route to the old woman's residence.

"Thank you very much!" replied the grateful Alaister after which he started running towards the direction pointed by the man.

"Ah...Kala's students may be the most outstanding in the whole academy, but their life is a living hell." the man smiled bitterly and then continued his walk.

After more than half an hour of running, after all, the academy was as huge as a city, Alaister finally reached the woman's residence. She was sitting at a crystal table while sipping from something that resembled iced tea.

" finally arrived, you sure took your time. I thought that I made myself clear that by being late you are playing with your life." the woman spoke while smiling. She knew that Alaister would find it hard to find her residence since it was quite an isolated place. Although she would have made sure that nothing bad happened to this kid, she still would have liked to see him panicking all over because he couldn't find her.

"Teacher, please stop playing with me..." spoke Alaister with a dejected tone.

"He he, these old bones of mine really like to see a good play once in a while. Well then, let's go to a more private place in order to complete your mental awakening and have you finally start your training." the old woman rose and started walking towards a huge building situated not far away.

A spark of excitement could be seen in Alaister's eyes. He was after all still a kid so how could he not desire to be able to do amazing things and have strange powers like the old woman.

"This is the seclusion building. Here there are 5 levels, with each level having 20 rooms which both the students and the teachers use when we need to do something that require great concentration. These rooms are equipped with formations that can calm the mind and improve the training speed."the woman spoke with an indifferent tone.

"Formations..?What are those?" asked the confused Alaister.

"Ay...I forgot that you are still a country bumpkin. You know that certain people can control certain laws just like how I am proficient with using water. There are, however many applications of using laws and one of the most common one is by integrating them into a formation! Just how we can control a law and we can create a skill like the flying mirror I used to get us here, formations are similar to self-sustained skills that only need us to activate them and they will use the energy of the world to function just like a normal skill cast by someone. Of course there are also formations that need experts to power them as the energy of the world is not enough, but those are all high level and you don't need to know about them. Another way of putting it is that formations are complex patterns that allow us to optimally control energy in a specific way we desire. To understand formations better, take for example the formations inside the seclusion rooms. There are 3 formations in each room, with their might increasing from level to level. This formations are the Light Heart Formation which helps to calm the mind, the Solid Soul Formation which is good at temporarily raise comprehension ability and the Water Barrier Formation which is a defensive formation meant to protect the room. Do you understand now?"the woman spoke every word patiently.

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