Chapter 1- War

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Somewhere far away, a small ship was conducting its exploration through a remote galaxy...

Inside the ship were two people, a man and a women. They were gathering information about the placement and orbits of the planets there, they probably were map makers. Everything was very peaceful inside and outside the ship, with hardly any signs of activity except for the work the couple were doing. Outside the ship, from time to time a lone asteroid was passing by, but without disturbing the silent atmosphere which could be even called terrifying.

"Ann, did you finish calculating the trajectories of those asteroids?" said the man while standing in front of a holographic screen and drawing something like a three dimensional map.

"Not yet...the system seems to have some problems, the simulator shows data that does not make any sense...Here,take a look" she pointed at a big screen on the left side of the ship which was showing planets moving disorderly with apparently no fixed orbit.

"Indeed, that's not right. And I checked the energy supply and the systems an hour ago so there can't be a problem there. Maybe there are some random electromagnetic waves from space which are interfering with it."

"Yeah, it looks like it...but how is tha...." Suddenly, time seemed to slow down,the words the woman was trying to say were becoming more and more heavy, until everything stopped. The ship and the couple remained motionless, they seemed to have merged with the quiet space surrounding them. The quietness did not seem to last long as in the middle of the ship space seemed to tremble a bit before something stepped out of the void. Humans have also invented teleportation years ago, however for that they needed to have a teleportation device at both the current location and the destination, and their devices were bigger than the size of a human.

If anybody saw the scene that was happening now in the ship, they would be perplexed. That is because the being that seemed to have teleported inside the ship did not have such a device, more accurately it didn't seem to have any kind of technology or any object on it. And that was not all, the appearance of that entity was even more,it should be...beautiful. The being resembled a translucent naked woman with pure white skin and hair. She looked like a goddess who descended from a higher plane.

A pair of shinning blue eyes opened and looked at the motionless couple with curiosity. With a step that seemed to by-pass the space, she arrived in front of the woman named Ann. Her translucent white finger touched Ann's forehead and after a few seconds something very strange happened. Something resembling a rune came out from the spot the women touched and flew into her forehead after which it merged with it. The woman remained motionless a few seconds after which she revealed a terrifying smile. She then glanced behind her, a glance that seemed to tear space apart and stunningly, another two strange beings appeared. One of them looked almost the same with the woman, whereas the other one was resembling a translucent man. After they looked at each other for less than a few seconds the other two revealed the same twisted smile as the first strange woman.

Followed by another few seconds of silence the first strange woman turned towards the couple and touched both of them after which all of them disappeared without leaving a trace. The ship was left devoid of human life.

A few months later...on one of the bigger planets ruled by humanity, on a street filled with humans.

"Mommy,mommy,look...a spaceship!" a 3-4 year old child was pointing to the sky while talking with his mother.

"Oh honey, that's not a spaceship, that's a commercial ship which only flies on this planet, it doesn't fly into space."the woman said while looking at her child with a gentle smile.

"Oh okay..."said the kid a little disappointed. However at the same time"Mommy,what about those?"asked the kid while pointing at another place in the sky.

The woman looked up but what followed was only the confused look of the mother as she stared at the sky. Countless beams of light were appearing out of nowhere as they filled the whole sky. The woman was not the only one who stared at the sky at this moment. Everybody stopped their various activities to watch confusedly the sky. The confusion did not last long as something like a beam of light was shot from the sky.

The beam of light did not look very fast, but when it reached the planet surface a blinding light shot out in every direction. Wherever the light passed everything disintegrated.

"Mommy..."the child was crying in his mother embrace. The cries did not last long as the light wave passed over them too. In a few minutes the whole planet became flying ash.

This marked a very important moment in the human history, a moment which humanity will never forget. That day was the day when not only billions of people died in only a few minutes, but the day when humans entered unwillingly a war of a scale never seen before.

The beings that attacked them, the Magiahs, as they are called by humans, were able to bend laws as they wanted, just like magicians from human books and movies. Their technology was not advanced,because they did not need it. Although their ability to bend laws was limited from individual to individual, they were very powerful beings.

However, after so many years of advancement, humanity was no pushover either. They used their technology in astonishing ways in order to deal with the Magiahs invasion. They created genetic hardened warriors which possessed enough strength to move mountains. Those warriors piloted warships with weapons so powerful that they could easily destroy planets. The human race was fighting equally with the Magiahs with nobody being able to tell who was on the winning side.

The decisive battle came and both armies were facing each other. Both of them were showing the splendor and greatness of their respective race. On the human side, massive warships were floating in space accompanied by giant robots with all kinds of weapons,whereas on the Magiahs side, they were treading the void in strange formations with space trembling wherever they went and ripples of laws were spreading everywhere. It was truly a grand scene. Whoever watched this could not help gasp at the greatness of such power from both races.

The battle went on for a long time with massive casualties inflicted on both sides, such a grand battle made planets become flying ash, galaxies destroyed and in some places even the space shattered forming holes which sucked up everything. In the end none of the two races won, their armies were no longer armies, but a few left ships on the human side and some surviving Magiahs on the other side.

This was the war which could be said to almost shatter the foundations of both races. It was very close to a result in which both races were annihilated.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, this is my first time posting here,let me know what you think:)If you liked it,give me a star:)I will post next chapter today
Also I'd like to thank @JaylaEversole for the amazing cover!!

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