Chapter 3 - Alaister Dennel's Test

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He was born in a poor family in a small village near the Northern Icy Planes. Life was hard for his parents as they barely managed to get something to eat for themselves, much less for a child.But they did not shrink away from their responsibilities as parents and did everything they could to ensure that Alaister can grow up well. They gave up everything for their child. He was like their only treasure.

The child loved his parents very much. Even though he could understand the hardships his parents were facing, and every time he could, he helped them, his personality was a bit...strange. He found pleasure in making pranks to everyone he could in all kind of different ways, some which lacked even the smallest bit of originality or others who could let everybody astonished at this child's creativity. He was, after all, a very smart kid. Except for doing pranks, he didn't find any interest in anything else, and was very lazy. Years passed and he did not change one bit. He was now a 12 year-old youth, the age at one would be able to take the tests for applying to an academy.

His parents did not have any hope for him to have any talent as there has never been anybody in their small village who got accepted in any academy. However, Alaister still wanted to give it a try because he knew that if he gets accepted into an academy, he will be able to make a living for himself and not burden his parents anymore. So they went straight to the closest World Law Pagoda branch. It was a massive tower surrounded by a giant wall with guardians on it.

When Alaister and his parents entered the Pagoda, they waited for more than 5 hours until somebody from the staff, a middle-aged man dressed in a long black robe, came and took Alaister to take the first test, mental expanse. They reached a small and simple room with a metal chair and a strange device in the middle.

"Sit here."said the middle-aged man. Alaister sat down in the chair while the man took some kind of cables and stuck them on Alaister's head. He felt a tickling sensation where the cables were attached. However, the next moment he felt like everything around him suddenly got clearer and bigger, it was like all his senses were amplified by a hundred times.

"Now give me your hand."The man took Alaister's hand and put a small bottle with a faint reddish liquid in it."You must drink it. And remember, in this test your goal is to endure as long as you can."The liquid seemed very normal, and without other thoughts, Alaister drank it all in one go.

When the liquid reached his stomach, Alaister widdened his eyes. A burning sensation came from his chest, that seemed to spread in his whole body. He felt like he was on fire. The middle-aged man was not looking at Alaister, but at a small screen displayed on the left side of the device. On the screen there was a number that kept rising 6,7,....14,15,16.....When the number reached 20, Alaister, who was felling like his entire body was being burned to a crisp, suddenly started to tremble. A cooling sensation which seemed to freeze even his bones spread out from his chest, time seemed to stop in his eyes as the pain was truly unbearable. His body started convulsing, but he endured it because he knew what kind of opportunity being accepted into an academy was. He really wanted to do something in order to help both himself and his parents.

As time seemed to stop around Alaister the freezing sensation that he felt deep in his bones disappeared, what replacing it being a stinging sensation coming from every cell in his body. This feeling was like his body was being eaten by thousands of ants. It was truly not something normal people could withstand. He felt like his consciousnesses was collapsing. Everything around him seemed to turn dark.

"No! I must endure!" Using his willpower, he held on to his last bit of consciousness in order to not faint. The stinging sensation came to a stop. Alaister opened his eyes and realized that he could not move and time seemed to have stopped around him. In his eyes everything remained motionless. Time seemed to have stopped, but that was only around Alaister. His mind was perfectly clear as he stood there without moving. He quickly got bored as days seemed to pass without anything changing. In his mind there already have been weeks. For a person like him who gets bored very easy, this was a massive torture. He kept telling himself that this was a test and he must endure. Years seemed to have passed,then decades...Alaister was on the brink of going mad, his mind was collapsing as he saw his own body aging and becoming ash. The moment only his bones remained, he felt like he was being sucked from this world and he opened his eyes again, he did not have time to say anything to the man on the left side of the room as he suddenly felt like his body was not his anymore. Every kind of movement he was trying to do was replaced by some other movement randomly. His body was in chaos. His soul seemed to tear apart as more and more random muscles were contracting and trying to make all sorts of movements without his command. While his soul was going through unbearable pain, the middle-aged man was looking astonished at the small screen as the numbers kept slowly rising.

"This kid..." Astonishment could be seen on the face of the man as he looked at the number displayed on the screen:81. After being unable to control his body,Alaister's soul was already on the very brink of collapse, he was very close to fainting. The next thing he felt was a series of tiny stings and slashes that seemed to rip his brain into shreds. He could no longer endure it, and he fainted. The middle-aged man legs were trembling as he looked at the final number on the screen: 93.

After an unknown period of time, Alaister woke up. The first thing he saw was the worried faces of his parents. Looking behind them, he saw the same middle-aged man from the test.

"Did I fail?"asked the kid with a trembling and dejected tone.

"No,it can be said that you can barely qualify to take the next test."said the man while turning around and murmuring something that only he could hear"If you "barely" qualify, then there would be no more people in this world who would be qualified".

"Follow me."said the man while taking his leave.

The child rose "Mom,Dad, wait for me." and run after the middle-aged man. They reached a big but simple room with 9 people standing on a table, each dressed in something different corresponding to different laws. The man walked to the table and said something, without Alaister hearing, to the ones sitting. All of the individuals from the table were perplexed."You are not lying right?" asked an old woman."How would I dare?" answered the man.

The woman rose and walked with a smile towards Alaister.

"Child, give me your hand."Alaister stretched his hand and it was grabbed by the woman. A warm current seemed to spread out from his hand. After a few moments the woman let go of his hand and said disappointed "What a pity." and then went back to the table.After that, the persons from the tables walked in front of Alaister doing the same thing as the woman, however, almost all of them came back to the table with disappointed looks. Only 2 persons, an old man with long white hair and a beautiful young woman seemed to be a bit better.

"So,what is his result?"asked the middle-aged man. The people from the table took turns to tell their result:

"Chaos affinity:None"

"Fire affinity:None"

"Earth affinity:None"


"Lightning affinity:None"

At this point only the old man and the women were left.

"Space-time affinity:Fifth Class"  

"Water affinity:Forth Class"

The affinity for laws were divided in 5 classes, from the best, First class to the worst, Fifth class, while some people do not have any affinity with the respective law and they get the result:None.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded."How is this possible?A child with a mental expanse of 93, which can be said to be the first in the whole history, only has a fifth class affinity with space-time and a forth class affinity with water???"The people on the table nodded dejectedly."This...we also don't know the reason for this."

"Unfortunately this is the result...I will send him to the Northern Dead Ice Academy, even though it is one of the weaker academies, it is highly suited for water laws. Also that little monster is the headmaster there, he might be able to help this kid. Who knows...maybe he will surprise us..."said the white haired old man. The beautiful woman looked like she had something more to say but seeing all the people at the table agreeing, she remained silent.


Author's Note:If you have anything to add,or if you liked it please leave something in the comments.I will stop writing for a few days because I am flying to Manchester tomorrow, and come back 3 days later.Have a nice day!

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