Chapter 6 - Life At The Academy

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As they were approaching the palace the atmosphere was getting colder and colder and there was even a faint death aura in the air. When they got close Alaister could faintly see a translucent barrier protecting the entire palace. The mirror continued to fly and it passed right through the barrier without making any ripples and then landed in front of the main entrance which was a huge ice door with 2 ice phoenixes sculpted on it.

"Um, we have finally arrived. You may want to look around a bit and to familiarize yourself with the environment as this will be your home for a long time. I'll call one of my students to be your guide for the day. You will also be one of my students. My name is Kala but you will call me teacher from now on. You better train hard and don't shame my name, otherwise...hmph!" The old woman's voice became colder as she spoke the last part. Alaister couldn't help but feel his hair suddenly stand up.

"Also tomorrow is the day I'll help you complete your mental awakening so you can adjust to the temperature here yourself without me infusing a piece of my power inside you. That being said, you should know that the small piece of water seed I left earlier in your body will be consumed by tomorrow afternoon, so if you don't find me by then...he he, I'll just make sure that your corpse will reach your parents in one piece."The old woman seemed to find quite the pleasure in other's misfortune. As she said that she took off on her flying mirror leaving Alaister alone.

"This old hag..!!What is her problem?!" Alaister thought. He didn't have a good impression of this woman at all.

"Hey, are you perhaps Alaister?"a kind and childish voice sounded from behind Alaister. He turned around only to see a boy with long black hair and blue eyes, looking around 13 years old standing behind him.

"Yes, I am. And who might you be?"answered Alaister.

"My name is Ronald, I am the student who Teacher Kala assigned to be your guide. Actually I am a new student myself. I just came here 2 months ago, though it is enough to be able to show you around."Roland spoke with a smile.

As the two children were speaking and getting friendly with each other, not far away in the air, the old woman was standing beside a thin youth while both of them were staring at the two boys.

" this the kid with the mental expanse of 93?"asked the thin youth.

"Yes, Headmaster. According to the report we received, despite his astonishing mental expanse, his affinity is pitiful, having only a forth class water affinity and a fifth class space-time affinity." the old woman said respectfully.

"Mhm, this is indeed a strange occurrence. A high mental expanse is usually accompanied by at least a high law affinity. Make sure you keep an eye on him, after all, who knows? He might even become the person this academy needs."the Headmaster spoke with a smile.

"Headmaster, with all due respect, but why are you having such high hopes for this boy? And also why did you make Roland be his guide. Roland could be said to have the highest talent in the history of our academy. With his first class water affinity and a mental expanse of 71, it will not be too long until he will be on par with you, or maybe even surpass you. Such a genius, why put him together with somebody who doesn't even have a third class affinity?"the old woman was quite discontented, after all Roland was the student who made her proud, how could she allow his talent to be hindered in any way?

"Kala...I understand why you are upset, but don't forget what I excel in."a proud smile appeared on the Headmaster's face. A blank look appeared in the old woman's eyes as she pondered over this.

"This...I understand, I will handle this matter carefully."The old woman thought for a bit and then answered. This young Headmaster was really a pain for her. Usually the headmasters of any school are the most powerful of that school, but that wasn't the case here! In fact she was the most powerful person in the Dead Ice Academy, with only the previous headmaster which has now gone into seclusion training being more powerful than her.

The reason for this line-up was quite special. To be more clear, this young Headmaster was very special. He was found to have a peak second class water affinity, this is why it's quite suitable for him to train here. But this wasn't the reason for his position! The reason for him being placed in this position was because of his other talents. He is one of the few people in history to possess an affinity for all the four non-elemental laws: chaos, space-time, life and death, although they are only third class.

But this combination is very special. The world is chaotic, there is chaos everywhere and to predict what will happen in the future is very hard,nearly impossible. With the passing of time and by moving through space, many things change, and the changes are innumerable. People's life is full of ups and downs, full of changes, and their death does not mean the end of the changes they bring to this world. 

As such, a person who has a small grasp over this four aspects will find themselves comprehending something very unique. That is the power of destiny! As people's life is governed by destiny, being able to see through a small part of the world's luck and misfortune is already an ability which touches upon the domain of a God! 

This young headmaster is one of these special individuals. Being only at the Law Seed stage, a stage not high enough to be the head of an academy even though he is still young and still has a lot of potential, but his grasp over destiny and prediction ability make him more suitable to command an academy than anyone else! If it wasn't for him being still weak and without experience, he would have already been sent to an Emperor level planet to join one of the higher councils there!

"Even though I can't feel much about his future, I can vaguely feel that him here has brought so much good fortune to this place that even if right now a Resonance stage expert were to assume personal command here, the destiny accumulation will still be insufficient to place on par with this kid."the Headmaster said with an excited look.

"Eh?"the old woman was astonished."For you to say such things...then I will try my best from now on and fully teach that brat!"

As the conversation in the air was finishing, the conversation between the 2 boys was continuing and both of them seemed to really enjoy the other's presence. As such they started strolling around the academy and Roland would explain in detail the matters related to every place they were passing by.

"These are the training grounds which hold a defense and regeneration formation so people don't get too injured when they spar with each other..."

"This is the medicine pavilion as you know that the water element is one of the few elements with the healing property and so people with this affinity are very good at making special pills..."

"This is the student's dorm. It's quite modern and a really good place to relax as there are all sorts of student-run activities happening here...."


"And finally this one here is the academy's library. Here is stored all the knowledge that the academy has gathered so far. It can be said that it's the most amazing place in the whole academy! It is split into 6 levels with only the headmaster being able to enter the 6th layer. I'm only able to go up to the 3rd layer and I'm afraid you only have access to the first one."Roland spoke while feeling bad for Alaister.

"Huh?Why is that?Aren't you also a new student?Why are you able to go to the 3rd floor while I'm able to only go to the first one?"asked Alaister dejectedly.

"That's because I'm special!"a proud smile appeared on Roland's face."I may not look like it but I'm considered one of the greatest geniuses in this academy...besides I'm already at the peak of the Law Awakening stage!"laughed Roland.

"Wha..what?!"Alaister was astonished. He knew a bit of the training levels because he inquired at the World Law Pagoda a day before he left. According to what he remembered, usually people at the peak of the Law Awakening stage were over 20 years old! And Roland said earlier that he is 12 and a half! This made Alaister feel a heavy sense of inferiority.

What he didn't know is that this feeling will shortly become the fuel that will keep his desire for continuously improving alive!

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