Confronted by Truth

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Bekka's POV

        I began to kiss back when out of the corner of my eye, a figure stood in the doorway.

        "I knew it! I knew there was something more going on here!" The figure yells. I part from Roman and find Dean standing in front of us.

        I begin to get angry, "What the hell do you want?" I stand up as Dean comes closer.

        "I came back to apologize for my actions and I find my best friend eating your face!" He put his thumb to my lip and wiped the smudged lipgloss away. "It breaks my heart to see this, Beks" Dean spoke calmly, looking into my eyes. He began to lean when Rome stepped in.

        "You had your chance, man. Plus, aren't you forgetting about Renee? You know; blonde, about 5'5?"

        Dean breaks from the glance and looks at Roman, "Renee and I go together like water and grease fires. I found her flirting with Cesaro and when I asked her about it she got defensive"

        His icy stare grabbed onto my eyes and refused to let go. "I may have had my chance, but everyone deserves a second one" He whispered. I finally release myself from his eyes and look at the scratch I had left on his cheek,

        "I did this..." My voice trailed off. I then remembered why I did it and exhaled. Roman cut in,

        "Beks, this guy made you cry. Please, don't do something you'll regret" He advised. I stayed silent as I walked out of the room. A hand grabbed my arm but I forced it away. I just wanted to be alone.

        Tears blurred my vision as I walked fast through the hallway. As I wiped them away, I felt someone block themselves from getting smashed into.

        "Woah, girl. You alright?" Tamina Snuka wondered. I cleared my vision and looked at my feet, trying to hide the fact that I was crying.

        "Come here" She pulled me into a hug. "Let's go talk, maybe that'll help" I pull away and we walk to catering for some ice cream. Tamina was one of the eight bearable divas in the business, in my opinion. I told her all about what happened and she listened well.

        "When you and Dean got together, it was like a match made in heaven. But you and Roman have a chemistry that draws people to like you two together. It's quite the sticky situation. Now, I'm not a matchmaker or the love doctor, but I can only tell you to follow your heart. But whatever you do, do not let them fight over you. As a girl who believes in bros before hoes and sisters before misters, you should understand that" She warns.

        After hanging out with Tamina, I take a walk around the backstage area to clear my head. I put my earbuds in to drown out the people around me. Alone Together by Fall Out Boy started.

You cut me off, I lost my track

It's not my fault, I'm a maniac

It's not funny anymore, no it's not

My heart is like a stallion

They love it more when it's broke in

Do you wanna feel beautiful?

Do you wanna?

I'm outside the door, invite me in

So we can go back and play pretend

I'm on deck, yeah, I'm up next

Tonight I'm high as a private jet

'Cause I don't know where you're going

But do you got room for one more troubled soul?

I don't know where I'm going

But I don't think I'm coming home and I said

I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead

This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end

        I skip the song and All To Myself by Marianas Trench began.

       I'm under the gun, you're like the only one.

I just can't decide what I'm running from.

This isn't what I wanted, but

I can't keep my filthy fucking mouth shut.

It's not enough, it's never enough.

I wish I could breathe without getting it stuck.

Can't focus it, but I try it

over and over again.

Did you say "Please just follow me"?

I thought you wanted me,

Cause I can't stay with someone else,

I'll try and suck it up,

I just can't fuck it up,

I want you all to myself.

        I skip one more time... Third's a charm, right? Fallout by Marianas trench starts to play.

An empty room,

I'm empty too

And everything reminds me of you

So many things

I shouldn't have missed

The more that I push

And the more you resist

It's easy to say it's for the best

When you want more

While you leave me with less

I know you're fine, but what do I do?

        I rip my earbuds out and go to the hotel, realizing people were leaving. On the way, I do a lot of thinking and make my decision. I check in, set my stuff down, and go to Roman's room.

Does Bekka choose Roman or Dean?

Or will she take more time to think it over?

This is it everybody!

The next chapter will be the last... until the sequel!

Follow me to keep yourself updated!

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