The Match

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Bekka's POV

        I walk out on to the stage as soon as my theme music starts (Girl All the Bad Guys Want by Bowling For Soup). I throw up both hands, making a 1 with both of them (gotta represent for the older brother, Daniel) and as they touch the sky, pyrotechnics fly all around me. I put my hands down and run to the ring, sliding in upon arrival. I jump up onto the corner where the ropes meet and throw up two rock n' roll hand gestures or "metal horns" as some call them. Finally, my entrance is over and I jump the ropes and fall to the apron, where I stand and wait for my partner.

        After all competitors were in the ring, Dean motioned to the canvas and said "Ladies first." AJ and I Duked it out and after she took too much of a beating, she tagged her partner. I quickly tagged in Dean and stood back on the canvas. I had never seen him in action this close before. I know that he was good in the ring but seeing him up close made a difference. I take a look behind me to see the other two Hounds of Justice (they travel in packs, you know) mocking me with kissy faces. Clearly Ryder and Angel told them about the bet.

        Dean goes for a pin. I look ahead to see AJ trying to stop it. I hop into the ring and dropkick her onto the floor. As soon as I heard a three count, I look back up to see cheering fans everywhere. Before I could do anything, I feel a large object sit across my shoulders. I turn my head to the left and see Dean with his arm around me, celebrating a victory. I let the arm stay put. Why ruin the moment?

        We wall walk to the backstage area to see Ryder and Angel waiting. Ryder grabs my arm and drags me to the end of the hallways with Angel following. Angle lets out a squeal, "Oh my gods! Dean put his arm around you!"

        I roll my eyes, "And? That's nothing compared to what he did earlier."

        Ryder gets closer to listen to the juicy details, "I need to here this"

        "He asked me if I would have dinner with him after the show..." I informed them.

They both let out gasps and started asking if I said yes, but I broke the news to them and told them that I denied his request. They weren't too happy about that. I peek down the hall to see Dean talking to the guys. He turns his head toward me and winks. I had a feeling of Déjà vu and a sensation at the pit on my stomach. I didn't like it one bit.

        After the show, I get into the car I rented for getting to the hotel and plugged my phone into the stereo. I put it on shuffle and begin to drive. The first song that came on was The Mighty Fall by Fall Out Boy.

How the mighty fall

The mighty fall

The mighty fall

Oh, how the mighty fall in love

        I began to become annoyed with the song that was once my favorite, so I pressed skip. Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy started playing.

Dance, Dance

We're falling apart to half time

Dance, Dance

And these are the lives you love to lead

Dance, this is the way they'd love

If they knew how misery loved me

        I let out a sigh and pressed skip again. R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys began.

I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be

And satisfaction feels like a distant memory

And I can't help myself,

All I wanna hear her say is "Are you mine? "

        I became frustrated and gave up. I drove to the hotel in complete silence.

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