Keeping It Professional

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ekka's POV

        "What's happening, Diva's Champ?" I ask Ryder as she walks into the locker room with her newly-won title.

        "Oh you know, lovin' life" She sang, stroking her title.

        I smile with excitement as I zip my vest, "Check out what I got from the WWE's theoretical vault" I unzip my dufflebag and pull out a velvet sack.

        "A purple bag?" Ryder questions.

        I laugh, "No. It's what's inside the purple bag that really matters." I open it and it's as if a golden light is gleaming out of it. "I'm showcasing it later"

        "How did you get it?" She quizzes.

        I quickly close the sack and stick it back into my dufflebag. "Well, Vince McMahon wanted to run some tests. Turns out I'm half-related to a certain someone" I whisper who it is so that other Diva's don't hear. Ryder's jaw dropped, "No way! That's awesome!"

        I leave the room and head off to find Dean, taking the bag with me. I tell him all about it and ask for the Hounds to help showcase it. We all go to the usual entry spot with our masks on and head to the ring, velvet sack in Dean's hand. I grab a microphone, slide into the ring, and take my mask off.

        "As a female wrestler, I think I speak for the rest of the division when I say that chasing only one title get's old. It's always 'Diva's championship this' or 'Diva's championship that'; by the way, congrats to Ryder Orton" I pause as the crowd freaks out. "Anyway, I've come to share some good news. I learned yesterday that I am half-related to the one and only, Trish Stratus"

        The crowd howls as I finish my sentence. I continue, "But that's only the beginning. I was given the honor of reintroducing a special title in WWE history. Dean, open the bag." He steps toward me, holding the bag open as I reach in. What I pull out makes the crowd roar. "This is the WWE Women's Championship. It was wrongly put away, but luckily I brought it back and Vince decided to name me the holder of the title until I get some worthy competition for it. But of course, Tonight is Ryder's big night. She won the Diva's title and she has to defend it against Paige because of the automatic rematch clause. On that note, I'm off" I step out of the ring and head backstage with the belt over my shoulder.

        After Ryder won her match, the cameras were on me, Dolph, and the hounds for the big breakup segment. Dolph starts,

        "Babe, you look good in a vest and all but it needs to go" He demands.

        I chuckle, "And why's that?"

        "I don't want you to associated with those guys. They're trouble and I don't want to be here when they corrupt you" Dolph raged.

        My arms folder and my voice gets louder, "What are you trying to say?"

        "Either you drop those guys or we're through" He threatens. The three walk up behind me,

        "Is he bothering you?" Roman asks.

        Dolph laughs, "I'm just asking her a simple question. Now, are you with me... or them?"

        The room stays silent for a few seconds until I grab Rome and Dean's arms, "Let's go, guys." We walk out of the room, giving Ziggler his answer.

        The 4 of us get back to the locker room to find Brad Maddox waiting for us.

        "You guys sold the breakup!" He exclaimed.

        I smirk, "Part of the job, I guess"

        "Don't forget that on Friday, your segment with Roman starts" Brad informs me.

        I sigh, "Yeah, can we talk about that? You see, Rome and I don't exactly mix well when you think about it"

        Brad gives me a confused look, "But you two have such chemistry on camera. I'm sorry Bekka but it's a little late for last-minute changes"

        I look back at Dean, who didn't look too happy. Brad put his hand on my shoulder, "Cheer up, it'll only last for a few months... give or take."

        Brad leaves the room and I begin pacing. "Stop that. It freaks me out when you pace" Roman demands.

        I look over at him but continue the action, "I can't stop pacing. I do this when I'm frustrated"

        "So you seriously don't want to do this? Acting or not?" Rome continues questioning. "You were fine with Ziggler so what's wrong with me?"

        I stop and begin to mildly tear up. "Because I know how Dean is. He hated seeing me with Dolph. He blew up when I got a ride home from him. Imagine what it's going to be like with his best friend? I don't want to be responsible for a tainted friendship" I wipe my eyes and look over to Dean. "Can we just go back to the hotel?" He nods and we walk out. The car ride to the hotel was nothing but pure silence. No music, no small-talk.

        I get to the hotel room and go straight to the bathroom. I sit down on the side of the bathtub and silently sob. I hear a knock on the door,

        "I know you're crying. Come out. We need to talk" Dean speaks through the door. I put on a straight face and open the door.

        "What is there to talk about?" I ask, squeezing past him to get my dufflebag.

        "You know that interview I did with Renee Young earlier?" He wondered. I pulled a big t-shirt out of my bag and began to put it on.

        "What about it?" I briefly look at him.

        "Renee and I had a thing for 4 years but I broke up with her because I felt like she was holding me back. Well, a week later I ended up missing her like crazy. Then I was put into a match with you" He explains.

        I stop what I'm doing, "What are you saying?"

        "I forgot about her when I was around you but then I was told about the interview and I started missing her all over again." Dean's voice trails off.

        I turn around towards him, "So I was a rebound?" I ask him, sternly.

        He doesn't answer so I continue talking. "I was just someone for you to fall back on? Someone to help you get over the love of your life?" I begin to tear up. Dean walks towards me to try and console me but I resist. "Why do I always do this? I always end up being the rebound." I go from sad to angry in a split second. I storm towards the door and grab my jacket. "This is why I don't date. I should have never let Angel and Ry talk me into this" I throw on my jacket and open the door to leave.

        "Where are you going?" Dean shouted.

        I didn't look back at him but responded, "Out" and shut the door behind me.

        I get to the elevator and press floor 2. I get to Roman's hotel room and knock three times. He opens the door but before he could say anything, I cut to the chase:

        "Let's go for a walk"

Dating Destruction (WWE Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora