Coming Home

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Bekka's POV

        I wake up on a plane, sitting in between Dean and Cameron. I open my eyes to see Cam's head resting on my shoulder whilst my head was on Dean's. I sit up and gently shake Cameron.

        "Cam, wake up" I say, sleepily.

        Her head rises from my shoulder, "Sorry, I got a little drool on your shirt"

        "It's fine. I'll change when the plane lands" I laugh.

        Out of nowhere, the speakers boom across the plane, "Attention, passengers. Welcome to Aberdeen, Washington."

        The first thing I thought when I heard the lady was: I'm finally back home. I look over to Dean, 

        "One of the things I love about this place is that Kurt Cobain was from here. I grew up here and I honestly don't want to leave"

        He puts his arm around me, "That can be arranged" He kisses my head and we land. I couldn't wait to get home and see Daniel and I's family again. We hop into the rental car that we had delivered to the airport and head to my place.

        We pull into my driveway and Dean's face automatically fills with excitement,

        "This place is gorgeous" He states, quickly getting out of the car.

        I look at him and smile, "It's been my dream home since I was a child. Once I got it, I realized it was a little big for one person. I practically begged my friend to move in with me" I opened the garage with the password system and saw that her car was this there. I grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him inside.

        "You need to meet her" I laugh with excitement.

        "Alex! Alex, I know you're home!" I yell, looking around. I start to hear footsteps coming from the stairs. There she was, My best friend since college. We were roommates at the University of Washington. I studied music theory and she studied music education. She works as a choir teacher at the local high school.

        "Beks! I didn't think you'd be home this early!" She yelled as she hugged me.

        I pulled from the hug, "Well, we're going to be here all week"

        Her eye's went off of me and toward Dean, "I'm guessing this is the stud you've been telling me about."

        Dean put his hand out, "Dean Ambrose, pleased to meet you" Instead of shaking Dean's hand, she went straight for a hug. I begin to laugh at his confusion, "Did I mention she's a hugger?"

        As I gave him the grand-tour, he looked like a kid in a candy store. It's a simple, 5 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms.

        "And this is the end of our tour" I announce, entering my bedroom. Dean stopped looking around for a minute and faced me,

        "About Alex, I think she's into me. You might need to swat her away with a baseball bat" He laughed.

        My eyebrows narrowed, "You know she's not into that stuff right?"

        "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with confusion.

        "Let me break this down for you" I said, pulling out my phone to reveal a photo of Alex and her girlfriend of three years.

        Dean begins to break down into laughter, "Oh! So she's into chicks! You could have told me that before I completely embarrassed myself"

        I gave Alex and her girlfriend, Felicity, two tickets to tonight's episode of Raw. Front row seating and a clear view of the action was a great way for me to make up for being gone for so long. This was the night were my segment with Ziggler comes into play. Of course, I don't have a problem with the segment at all. But Dean doesn't like it when I talk about having to kiss Dolph, which is understandable. I got to the locker room and throw on my ring gear and hear a voice behind me,

        "Awesome shirt" the British accent complements. I swing around and see a very pale girl holding the diva's championship.

        "Uh, thanks" I say with an awkward smile. I don't think befriending the rookie would be a good idea, especially when Ryder is #1 contender for that title. Her and Paige will be duking it out at the Extreme Rules PPV that takes place next Sunday.

       "Well, I have a match to get to" I say to Paige, walking out of the room.

        The match ends with Ziggler and I as the victors. I made my sister-in-law, Nikki, tap by using my go-to move, the Jester Lock. When Dolph wraps his arm around my waist, I know that it's time for the "big kiss," as Mark likes to call it. He walks up and grips my side, I look up as he leans down, and then the awkward 3 seconds begin. The crowd roars as we pull away and walk back to the backstage area, where Dean awaits my arrival. He gives Dolph a "get the hell away from my girl before I break your face" look, which causes him to walk away.

        "There's nothing to be worried about. That was the most awkward 3 seconds of my life" I reassure him.

        He sighs, "Whatever it was, he seemed to be enjoying himself"

        "Don't worry. It's just a few more weeks of that and then the triangle comes into play, causing a breakup" I inform Dean.

        "Triangle? With who?" He questions.

        I shrug, "Maddox still doesn't know, himself. He said the writers are thinking about one of the Hounds or an Uso, which is still debatable. But like I said, there's nothing to worry about." He sighs with relief and walks me back to the locker rooms.

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