Seriously Done

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Bekka's POV

        I walked with Roman around town. I originally wanted to clear my head but I also didn't want to go alone. I would've asked Angel but who knows what she's doing with Seth this late. I would have asked Ryder but she needed rest after her match. I told him all about the fight between Dean and I.

        "So you two broke up?" He wondered.

        I sigh, "I don't know. I mean, I think I ended it but I don't think the message got around to him"

        "What makes you say that?" Rome quizzed. I pull out my phone and scroll through the 24 texts from Dean within the passed 20 minutes. "Hold on, I can solve this issue" He assures me. He takes my phone and presses the off button.

        I begin to laugh, "Very funny but I still have to deal with him when I get back. I might just grab my belongings and go to Ryder's room"

        "Space is good. Gives you time to think and clear your head" Roman speaks calmly. It's crazy how much he understands. But of course, I've known the guy since FCW.

        "So you really believe that you're always the rebound?" He chuckles. I look at my feet,

        "Every relationship I've ever been in has either ended with them cheating or me being a rebound. One of the reasons I've kept away from dating." I respond.

        Roman stops me for a second, "So does this mean you're leaving The Shield?"

        I burst into laughter, "Oh hell no! I'm not going to let one guy ruin this for me. In fact, all of you have to do me wrong for me to leave"

        "What a relief. We can't let you go right now. If anything, we're just getting started" He informed me.

        I turn around to face him, "I'm so glad we had this talk. Lets go back to the hotel, it's really late" We turn around and retrace our tracks back to which we left. I walked him to his room,

        "Thanks for walking with me. I really needed it" I thank him, giving him a hug goodnight.

        I get to the 4th floor and become too afraid to walk in so I got to Ryder's door. When I knocked, she opened almost immediately.

        "Hey!" She greeted.

        I half frown, "Can I stay here with you tonight? Dean and I got into a fight"

        "Oh girly, of course! Tell me all about what happened" She said, giving me a hug. I tell her everything, from the part about Renee to the walk with Roman. She even offered to get my belongings for me. I handed her my keycard and told her to leave it there.

Ryder's POV

        I get to Dean's room and insert the card. As there door pops open, I don't hesitate to walk in. The sight disgusts me.

        "Oh god! I didn't see anything, I swear!" I yell, covering my eyes and walking back to the door. I can't believe I walked in on that. I stand in the hallway for about 5 minutes and the door opens. Renee Young walks out, pulling up the sleeve on her blouse and Dean stands by the door.

        "What do you want, Ryder?" He asked, breathing heavily. I walk right in and begin to collect all of Bekka's items.

        "I came here to get Bekka's bag, but I walk in to see you banging the interview girl" I raged, stuffing clothes into the dufflebag.

        He sighed, "Where did Beks go, anyway? How is she?"

        I laughed, "She's just fine. In fact, she's staying with me. She just got back from hanging out with Roman and he cheered her up. I'm glad to know at least two of you are decent" I slap the card down on the counter and leave with the bag.

Bekka's POV

        "You found him doing what?" I laugh as Ryder tells me about what she walked in on. She gets interrupted with a knock on the door. I stand up, 

        "Let me get it" I skip to the door and open it to see Dean holding a bra.

        "You left something in our room" He says.

        I examine it and laugh, "Um... That's too small to be mine"

        "Well then i don't know who else it could possibly belong to" Dean eyes it.

        "Why don't you go see if Renee is wearing hers. She probably left so fast she forgot it" I chuckle and shut the door in his face. I turn back to Ryder, who was trying not to laugh. We both broke, failing to hold it in.

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