The Slap Heard 'Round The World

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Bekka's POV

        "Alright, Bekka and Roman. I invited you here so we can go over the segment" Brad tells. We nod and get down to business.

        "It starts with the Shield going to the ring and addressing the issue with Evolution and how to fix it. You, Bekka, being the charismatic time-bomb you are, start talking about how cowardly and tired they are..." Brad continues. After knowing what to do, I zip my vest and we go to the ring.

        "You see, now that Evolution is back together, injustice will continue to reign over the WWE. That's where we come in. These guys are pure cowards. They get 11 men to do their dirty work for them instead of facing their issues like the men they claim to be. Now, how about you three be men, grow some cojones, and stop bringing other people into your business" My voice gets louder and more aggressive as I speak. It's almost like politics. "Dave, Hunter, Randy... You three are supposed to be veterans. You shouldn't feel intimidated by us. So stop being a bunch of creampuffs, and call off your 11 fun-baskets"

        The Evolution theme begins playing and I fold my arms. Hunter walks down the ramp with Stephanie on his arm. The four climb into the ring and Hunter begins to speak.

        "You wanna talk about cowards? It takes one to know one, Bekka. You took a cheap-shot at Kane on Monday and caused him to be out of action for... hold on let me think: Up to six weeks for the ribs and up to 3 months for his type of concussion." He stops speaking as the arena begins chanting "Time-bomb" I laugh,

        "You think you can just walk down here with your 2 dollar armcandy and start bringing up Kane. I did what I did because my family is my 100%. All I did was even the odds. I couldn't just let him get off scott-free."

        Stephanie grabs the mic from Hunter's hand and begins to speak.

        "Who are you calling 2 dollar armcandy? I'm not the one who joined a team of three men. If what they say is true, when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas" She accuses.

        I roll my eyes, "Are you really accusing me of being involved with all three of these men? First off, two of them have girlfriends. Second, you're one to talk. I mean, Hunter, Test... I could go on and on and on but sadly I would be here awhile, Princess" Steph pulls together a sarcastic smile and goes for a slap. Her hand glides across my cheek, leaving a small scratch from her prosthetic nails. I touch my cheek and look at my hand to find a crimson liquid. I begin to laugh hysterically.

        "Is that all you got, Princess? A slap to my face?" I point to the title on my shoulder. "I thought you held this before?" I continue laughing. "I guess I can't complain. I mean, you do have more man in that one slap than your own man has in his entire body"

        Hunter begins to laugh and I could her Dean, Seth, and Roman try and hold back laughs behind me. Even Dave and Randy grin. Stephanie begins to speak once more.

        "You know, Bekka. When you came here, I had the utmost faith in you. You were so eager and different from the other Divas. You told me that the one thing that you wanted to do was not only be the best, but push the best over the edge and dominate because you are never satisfied. Unsurprisingly, you did just that and you continue to do that day by day but when you joined the Shield, I was so disappointed. I expected better from you and yet you abandon us" She rants. I look back at the hounds who were watching us eat at each other with words.

        "I see a little hypocrisy here, Steph. Way back when you and Hunter started dating, your daddy was being terrorized by him and HBK. I'm going to think about it like this: You feel the same way that your father did when he heard the news? How about it hit it a little closer to home?" I sass. Following the script, I walk up to Roman and pull his head down to mine for a kiss.

        It took him a second to respond before he began to kiss back. I pull his head away from mine and whip my head back toward Stephanie. Her face was full of disgust as I get in her face, speaking into her microphone.

        "Don't pretend you care, because your acting sucks, little miss daddy issues." I knock the mic out of her hand and walk away, bumping shoulders with her as the hounds follow.

Dean's POV

        I sat with Renee and Roman in the viewing room to rewatch the footage. Renee begins to squirm in her seat.

        "Here it comes!" She exclaims as the kiss comes up. She looks over to Roman, who was blushing like a madman,

        "Look at you getting into it!" Renee teases. "Nobodies that good of an actor. She enjoyed herself just as much as you did"

        I begin to play along. "So when's the wedding?" I question sarcastically. 

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