Forever (Ben Harper)

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Let me start by saying, thank you.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your support. Thank you for helping me work through the worst case of writer's block I've ever had in my life.

Here goes nothing.


"Attention passengers, we are beginning our descent into London's Heathrow Airport where the current time is 11:55 AM and the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. We ask you to please fasten your seatbelt and return your seats to their upright position for landing. We want to thank you for flying Virgin Airways and hope you enjoy your final destination," came the announcement over the PA system in the plane. I sat up from where I'd been sleeping with my head on Harry's chest. I repositioned my seat, took the hoodie I'd been using as a blanket off and rubbed my face. I saw Harry doing the same. I moved my neck back and forth causing it to pop loudly.

"Jesus. Was that your neck?" he asked.

"It was. Just a pleasant reminder of why I don't fly commercial." I glared at him. I'd really tried to convince him to just go for it and take the private jet. It was technically SME business and if we'd taken the jet I wouldn't have had to worry about the weight of my luggage which we spent a good 45 minutes on the night before we left while we were packing.

"We didn't need to take a private plane for three people to fly to London."

"It would've been so much easier."

"And way too expensive. You may have a private plane but that does not mean you need to take it." He leaned forward to kiss me. "You survived the flight. Now just shut up while we land."

"I hate you. If I end up sick tomorrow from sharing air with all of these people, you are dead to me." I looked over to Eliza who looked exhausted and like she'd slept in a funny position. She'd gotten the window but had a woman who would not shut up next to her the entire flight. Even in business class I hated flying commercial for a flight this long. LA to Vegas, sure I'd do it if I needed to but never international. I get that it's more expensive, I get that it requires more stops because the plane isn't as large but dear god it was a pain in the ass. I always ended up sick which meant that wherever I was flying I was annoyed for the first few days as I dealt with whatever cold or plague I'd gotten from the germ filled flying tube.

"You'll be fine. Vitamin C dear. We will get you some juice when we land." I flipped him off. I looked back over at Eliza.

"If I kill him can we make it look like an accident over here?" I asked.

"Uncle Mikey travels, right?" she replied making me laugh.

"You two are going to get in trouble. What if there is an air marshal or something listening to you? You're threatening my life. That's never a good thing on an airplane."

"Add that to the list of reasons why flying private kicks flying commercial's ass."

"You won't be flying private to come see me in France," he replied.

"Try me."

"Your father wouldn't let you take the plane for just you to come to France."

"I don't have to ask him, I just have to arrange it."

"Everlee Mae Scarcello, if you take a private plane by yourself to see me in France I will be so pissed at you." I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms.

"I hate that you used my full name." He laughed. "My mother uses my full name when I'm in trouble."

"If you take a private plane by yourself from Los Angeles to Dunkirk you will be in trouble."

In The Heat Of Los Angeles [H.S.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang