Love Me Like You Do (Ellie Goulding)

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I know. I know. I haven't written anything for this since November. But here it is...a new chapter! I hope you enjoy it and I CAN'T WAIT to hear what you think!

"Are you ready for this?" Alister, the stylist asked Harry.

"I don't know but I can tell you she's not," he said as he gestured to me. I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen we were using above the pub his Mom owned, it was our makeshift dressing room today. I had without realizing it started to bite my finger from nerves. It was our second day of shooting for the magazine spread and we'd reached the moment I'd been dreading since we got on the plane for the UK. I tried to laugh off the nerves that Harry was enjoying pointing out.

"You like his hair long?" his Mom asked. She and one of her friends had stopped up to say hi and witness 'the cut'.

"I love his hair long. I think he's going to look perfect no matter what he does but his long hair is the only way I've known him. And I really like his hair long." It was an understatement that I really liked his hair long. I loved his hair. I was envious of his hair.

"She laid in bed last night playing with it for at least an hour before she finally fell asleep." He was still laughing at me so I flipped him off.

"Aww sweetheart," Anne said as she wrapped her arm around me trying to laugh with me instead of at me like her son was doing. "He looks cute with short hair."

"I know and it's gonna be okay, it's just going to take me a bit to get used to." Harry smiled at me as the hairstylist they'd brought in started to brush out the curls in his hair. It was crazy to see how long it was as they tried to pull his hair straight. I felt my heart rate increase with anxiety.

Why was I so nervous about this?

It was just his hair.

Hair grew back.

Hair didn't define a person.

But honestly, I really love his hair. I loved watching him play with it. Watching him pull it up into its tiny bun. The way it looked when he first woke up in the morning and slowly moved around the kitchen to make coffee. The way it hung in his face when he hovered above me when we made love. And with one chop of the scissors that hair was going to be gone and I was going to have to get used to the way his new hair did things.

"Here goes nothing." And with that, the stylist started to cut just above the small hair tie that was holding his long hair in a ponytail. The sound of the scissors cutting through his hair seemed so loud, loud enough I couldn't hear anything else. As soon as the ponytail was cut and his hair fell towards his face I realized I hadn't been breathing. My first breath was more like a gasp for air.

"Are you okay, Evie?" Harry asked as he looked towards me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I forgot to breathe for a second there." He started to laugh at me, but his eyes showed it was out of love, not out of the sheer enjoyment he had when he tortured me. He smiled to give me a glimpse at his dimples before reaching his hand towards me. I reached for him and our fingers locked together.

"Is that all you're cutting?" Anne asked. My eyes bugged out. They had cut off enough hair that Harry held a braid of his hair in his hand. He intended on donating it which I found endearing and perfectly him. He needed to cut his hair for a film but he wasn't just going to do it because someone was paying him to. He was going to do it because his hair could help create a wig so a young girl or boy who had lost their hair because of cancer could feel more like themselves again.

It was inspiring to see how he lived his life. The way he gave of himself to his fans or something he was passionate about. He wanted to make the world a better place and no matter how small the gesture if he was able to do something to make someone's day better he'd do it. He was the most genuine person I knew. And despite the fact that he was mocking me for getting a bit misty-eyed as I now held the braid in my hand I loved him with every single part of me.

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