Skeptics and True Believers (The Academy Is)

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 I woke up snuggled into Harry's arms listening to him lightly snoring in my ear. I'd missed this. Sleeping next to him. Waking up next to him. I even missed his snoring. I missed the way his body heat shot up when he slept and I felt like I had a heater next to me sometimes. I missed the way he mumbled in his sleep if I moved telling me not to go anywhere. I missed how he instinctively hugged me tighter to him after he mumbled thinking he could hold me tight and I wouldn't move. I tried to move so I could get out of bed and felt his arms tighten around me.

"Where are you going?" he mumbled, voice showing that he was still asleep until I moved.

"I have to pee." He laughed as he opened his arms. I hurried to my bathroom not even bothering to shut the door.

"Your naked ass running across the bedroom is something I've missed this week." I flushed the toilet and peeked out of the door. He'd laid himself flat across the bed on his stomach. The sheets barely covering his lower half.

"I missed you mumbling in your sleep." I walked back over to the bed and climbed under the covers and he pulled me into his arms. "I only sort of missed that you are like a million degrees when you sleep."

"It's why I sleep naked."

"I know. I don't mind the naked thing."

"I like that you're becoming okay with sleeping naked next to me." I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand.

Message with Dad

I'm not crazy enough to go upstairs. I don't want to find my daughter and her boyfriend in bed together. But your crazy ass mother has me up already. Whenever you're ready for a run let me know.

We are up. We'll put on our running clothes and come down.

"Dad is awake. Evidently Mom is being crazy. Want to go for a run now?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's do that. I do wish I could just lay here with you though."

"After the run," I said. I moved and kissed him. I got out of bed and started to put on my running pants and sports bra. I found a tank top and a jacket, it would be cool along the lake this morning. It didn't take long before we were both ready and heading down the stairs, we found Dad in the kitchen.

"Good morning, kids," he said. He threw me a bottle of water that I handed to Harry and then a second that I kept for myself. I grabbed a power bar of some sort from the basket in the pantry Mom kept them in.

"Baby, want something to eat first?" I asked. He followed me into the pantry finding something. We left the house and headed towards the park, walking the whole way. It was a good warm up and a chance to be with just Dad and Harry.

"So either of you hungover today?" Dad asked.

"I mean, I've felt better but it's not going to be like the run after Mom's birthday last year where I threw up in a trashcan like three miles from home."

"Good. How about you Harry?"

"I should be good," he replied.

"Have you run with Evie?" Dad asked.


"Remember that she has shorter legs than you." I moved to kick my Dad and he grabbed my foot. I managed to keep my balance hopping on one foot. "Everlee Mae, you just tried to kick me in the crotch."


"Do you want your foot back?"


"What won't you try to do again?"

"Kick you in the crotch."

"Good. I mean what if I couldn't give you any other siblings."

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