Liar Liar (Alexz Johnson)

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 The plane taxied onto the runway and came to a stop. There were two cars waiting for us, one for Ty, Kammi and Nick who were headed to the Upper East Side and one for Joe, Eliza and I to head to Tribeca. I had managed to sleep most of the trip by putting on headphones and a sleeping mask. I was exhausted after Harry and I had decided to stay up all night. I really just wanted to go home, crawl in my bed and sleep. But I had a meeting. I dropped everything off in my bedroom and quickly threw everything in my backpack to head to the recording studio to meet with my studio manager.

"Where are you headed?" Joe asked as I came downstairs. He was in the kitchen getting a glass of water.

"Studio. I've got a meeting with Jax."

"Are you coming back here before dinner?" he asked.

"Yeah, there's no way I'd go to dinner at the Mackin's house in this." I had bothered to try and change before my meeting. Jax wouldn't care if I showed up in leggings and my boyfriend's shirt, he'd probably think it was mine actually. Victoria however would not like me showing up in my boyfriend's clothes to her house for dinner. "I'll text you when I come back here. We can all head over there together."

"Okay, have fun at your meeting," Joe said. I headed out the door slipping my headphones in and clicking through the phone to call Harry.

"Hey love," he answered.

"Hi baby."

"Did you land okay?"

"I did. I slept most of the flight now I'm headed to my meeting."

"What is your meeting?" he asked.

"It's with my studio manager, Jax. We are going over the schedule for the next few months. I want to make sure that the higher priority artists are getting their time in the studio. Sometimes our producers have pet projects they want to work on and I need to know the studio space is going to the artists that have a higher profile. Which sucks because the pet projects a lot of the time are the thing I love listening to. But I need to make sure that if you wanted the studio space that you have it over the unknown songwriters that my producers love working with."

"Sounds tricky."

"It is. I don't want the producers to refuse to work in the studio but I also need to make sure shit gets done. The pain of running multiple businesses under one umbrella." I took a deep breath as I walked out onto the street. "How was your day?"

"Good. I got some laundry done. Worked on my second audition with some of the notes Eliza and the casting director gave me. You left some of your stuff here."

"Anything important?" I asked.


"Aww, miss me already?"

"More than I should probably admit."

"You're cute."

"At least you don't find me psychotic for missing you."

"I miss you too."

"So who is staying at your place?" Here was what I wish I could avoid telling him. I hadn't realized Joe was going to be coming with us to New York, despite inviting him to Chicago for Jonny's birthday I didn't actually think he'd come.

"Well, Ty on the flight decided to stay at Kammi's parent's house with she and Nick. Makes sense to have her assistant with her. Which leaves Eliza and Joe staying with me."

"Joe came with you?"


"Why didn't you tell me Joe was coming?"

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