Chapter 78 - Guilt

Start from the beginning

The worst moments were when Camden had to leave hospital to go to work for a few hours. Even if I was always asleep when he left, his absence never missed to wake me up and I would then feel horrible not having him beside me. This is in complete opposition to my general behavior this week when I strived to avoid looking at him or speaking to him, but I really did miss him when he was not there. As much as I couldn't bear looking into his eyes, feeling his presence in the room sufficed to calm me down. Exactly like now; I don't want to face him, but feeling him behind me is what allows me to let go of the tension and even sink into drowsiness.

However, Camden doesn't let me doze off completely as he decides to clean us both before we get out of the tub. I honestly wish I could go straight to bed, but the man sees things differently and forces me to go back down for a quiet dinner and a not-less quiet little walk in the park behind the house with Jess. When we get back home, it is barely half past eight but I can't suppress a long yawn.

"Go to sleep, Noah. I just need to stop by Silvo and Maria to thank them for having taken care of the house and Jess this week, then I'll just close down everything here," Camden briefly says before he drops a kiss on my forehead and leaves.

He didn't say if he was going to join me right away and as I reach the first floor, my eyes automatically drift toward the door of my old bedroom. Leaning against the opposite wall of the corridor, I stupidly contemplate it for endless minutes, getting lost in my thoughts again and they are not the most positive ones. Of course, we shared a bath in his bathroom, but does he really want me to sleep in his bed? When I think about it, I had a very large bed in hospital and never did he come to lie down beside me. He spent all his nights in the reclining armchair, which can't have been very comfortable. That also explains why he looks so tired at the moment.

"What are you doing?" Camden whispers, suddenly by my side and frowning at me.

He stops in front of me, folding his arms across his chest and obviously waiting for an answer. I definitely can't tell him about my previous thoughts and, facing my silence, he just invites me to move with a sign of the head toward his bedroom. That somehow triggers something in me and I immediately comply, hurrying to the walk-in closet to strip to my boxer briefs before I stop by the bathroom for my evening routine. Camden takes care of my small injuries in the meantime, though there is nothing much left to do, and he mostly rubs some ointment in my back before I put on a tee-shirt.

By the time I finish brushing my teeth, Camden is already lying on his back with one hand tuck beneath his head and the other typing on his phone. I realize that I don't even have mine anymore but I definitely won't claim for a new one. Anyway, I walk around the bed to lie down on my side and face away from Camden. The bedroom is warm enough and he hasn't turned on the AC so he is just in his boxer briefs. It was already hard enough to see his very appealing chest and arms that are calling comfort and safety, I don't need to face him to get more temptation, so I lay on my left side and close my eyes. There is a loud sigh and the noise of a phone being dropped on the bedside table, and the mattress then dips beside me.

"Noah." It is not a calling Noah with a question mark. It is not a sign of exasperation or anger with an exclamation mark either. No, it is just a statement. "Turn around please," Camden then says, and here I can sense the command in his tone. "Haven't you forgotten something?" he asks almost smugly and I get the message.

"Good night, Camden..." I whisper as I lean over to kiss his lips and he grabs the back of my neck when I am about to pull away.

"It feels good to have you back here..." he says with such intensity in his eyes that I can only look down.

"For me too..." I reply meekly before I resume my previous position. There is more sighing behind me, but the light goes off and I am finally able to close my eyes. Between the remnants of my exhaustion and the awareness of his body behind me, I easily drift to sleep, trying to force all my worries out of my mind.

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