31.Burying the hatchet

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Queen Clara stopped sobbing and hugged King Andrew tightly. I was definitely not expecting this reaction but its good that she finally gave up.

" i am so sorry my children,i did not knew what the hell i was doing but i shouldn't have done that,i'm really sorry and Andrew i can't live without you please forgive me for holding an unnecessary grudge against you." Queen Clara said while crying and then King Andrew spoke up," Its fine my love i am also very sorry." 

Everyone were happy finally and i became relieved. I can't wait to get back home.

" uh, Mr King Andrew  would you mind getting us home now that finally we have a happy ending". asked Anu hesitantly. We all laughed at her uneasiness," yes my dear thank you my children for being so brave and patient." said King Andrew.

" Guys it was nice meeting you all and sorry and thank you for everything." said Stuart. I was definitely sad for having to leave Stuart and Taffy. Speaking of Taffy, where is he?

"where is Taffy, i know that he came inside with us." i said worriedly.Just then we heard a door open behind us and Taffy came in with Prince. " uh what did i do?" asked Taffy as everyone were staring at him.

" oh Taffy Queen Clara will kill you because its you who brought us here,run," shouted Khushi dramatically. She is a drama Queen.

" WHAT but bu." everyone burst out laughing when Taffy stammered. God he was so scared and so hilarious.

" Taffy she was just kidding with you." said Queen Clara and then Taffy bowed in front of the Queen and the King as greeting and then they nodded to him.

Then King Andrew opened a portal and said," Thank you again my dear and take care but we all will communicate with you whenever you want and you know how to reach us."

They all exchanged goodbyes and i petted Prince's head and he barked at me playingly.

We entered the portal and then the vision that appeared in front of me seemed like deja vu.

We were once again in the library on that night we first entered the portal but we all were so tired from this adventure that me and my girlfriends went back to our hostel and the boys went back to their rooms. 

                               WHAT A ROYAL ADVENTURE!

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